Arria® 10 Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 683617
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents Capability Registers

The capability registers provide high level information about the transceiver channel and PLL configuration.

The capability registers capture a set of chosen capabilities of the PHY that cannot be reconfigured. The following capability registers are available for the Native PHY IP core.

Table 284.  Capability Registers for the Native PHY IP Core
Address Type Name Description
0x200[7:0] RO IP Identifier Unique identifier for the Native PHY IP instance.
0x204[0] RO Status Register Enabled Indicates whether the status registers have been enabled. 1'b1 indicates that the status registers are enabled.
0x205[0] RO Control Register Enabled Indicates whether the control registers have been enabled. 1'b1 indicates that the control registers are enabled.
0x210[7:0] RO Number of Channels Shows the number of channels specified for the Native PHY IP instance.
0x211[7:0] RO Channel Number Shows the unique channel number.
0x212[7:0] RO Duplex Shows the transceiver mode:
  • 2'b00 = Unused
  • 2'b01 = TX
  • 2'b10 = RX
  • 2'b11 = Duplex
0x213[0] RO PRBS Soft Enabled Indicates whether the PRBS soft accumulators are enabled. 1’b1 indicates the accumulators are enabled.

The following capability registers are available for the PLL IP cores.

Table 285.  Capability Registers for the PLL IP Cores
Address Type Name Description
0x200[7:0] RO IP Identifier Unique identifier for the PLL IP instance.
0x204[0] RO Status Register Enabled Indicates if the status registers have been enabled or not. 1'b1 indicates that the status registers have been enabled.
0x205[0] RO Control Register Enabled Indicates if the control registers have been enabled or not. 1'b1 indicates that the control registers have been enabled.
0x210[7:0] RO Master CGB Enabled Indicates if the Master Clock Generation Block has been enabled. 1'b1 indicates the master CGB is enabled.