L- and H-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 683621
Date 1/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

A.4.3.1. Square Wave Generator

The square wave generator can be used to provide a simple way to simulate traffic. However, the generator is available in 64-bit PCS-PMA data widths only.
Name Address Type Attribute Name Encodings
Square Wave Block Select



read-write tx_pma_data_sel

Select Square Wave Pattern Generator. Register format {0x008[6:5], 0x006[2:0]}

5'b00101: Square Wave Pattern

Square Wave Clock Enable


read-write sqwgen_clken

1'b0: Square Wave Clock Disable

1'b1: Square Wave Clock Enable

Square Wave Pattern Select


read-write sq_wave_num

Select square wave pattern. The number "n" is the number of ones followed by the number of ones in the square wave.

4'b0001: n=1

4'b0100: n=4

4'b1000: n=6

4'b0110: n=8