L- and H-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 683621
Date 12/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

8.2.4. Creating Transceiver Links

Transceiver links are identified automatically when a receiver and transmitter share the same channel. Each enabled transmitter and receiver channel on all loaded and linked devices is displayed in the Toolkit Explorer as shown in the following figure.
Figure 260. Toolkit Explorer
You can create a custom collection to view and configure TX and RX channels. If you want to create TX and RX paths between different physical channels, whether they are in the same device or in different devices, you must manually create new links. To have TX and RX paths between different physical channels, make sure you have made an external loopback either using a loopback cable or card on the board to have physical connections between the channels. To manually create transceiver links that have different transmit and receive channels, follow these steps:
  1. Choose the TX and RX pair you want to link.
  2. Right-click to create a collection and specify a name in the Add to Collection box. Refer to the Creating Collections from the Toolkit Explorer to create collection.
  3. Click OK. The link you create adds to Collections box.
  4. Click Open Toolkit to go to Collection View where you can control and monitor the channels. You can also open all the channels in one view by double-clicking the instances in the Details box. The name of the channels collection is automatically added.