L- and H-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 683621
Date 12/04/2024
Document Table of Contents Clock Compensation Using the Standard PCS

Use the Rate Match FIFO of the Standard PCS in one of the following modes, to compensate for clock differences between the RX PCS and the FPGA fabric:
  • Rate Match FIFO in Basic 10-bit PMA mode
  • Rate Match FIFO in Basic 20-bit PMA mode
  • Rate Match FIFO in GbE mode
  • Rate Match FIFO in PIPE mode
  • Rate Match FIFO in PIPE 0 ppm mode

Rate Match FIFO in Basic (Single Width) Mode

Only the rate match FIFO operation is covered in these steps.
  1. Select basic (single width) in the RX rate match FIFO mode list.
  2. Enter values for the following parameters.
    Parameter Value Description
    RX rate match insert/delete +ve pattern (hex) 20 bits of data specified as a hexadecimal string The first 10 bits correspond to the skip pattern and the last 10 bits correspond to the control pattern. The skip pattern must have neutral disparity.
    RX rate match insert/delete –ve pattern (hex) 20 bits of data specified as a hexadecimal string The first 10 bits correspond to the skip pattern and the last 10 bits correspond to the control pattern. The skip pattern must have neutral disparity.

    ve (volt encodes) are NRZ_L conditions where +ve encodes 0 and –ve encodes 1. ve is a running disparity (+/–RD) specifically used with the rate matcher. Depending on the ppm difference (which is defined by protocol) between the recovered clock and the local clock, the rate matcher adds or deletes a maximum of four skip patterns (neutral disparity). The net neutrality is conserved even after the skip word insertion or deletion because the control words alternate between positive and negative disparity.

    In the following figure, the first skip cluster has a /K28.5/ control pattern followed by two /K28.0/ skip patterns. The second skip cluster has a /K28.5/ control pattern followed by four /K28.0/ skip patterns. The rate match FIFO deletes only one /K28.0/ skip pattern from the first skip cluster to maintain at least one skip pattern in the cluster after deletion. Two /K28.0/ skip patterns are deleted from the second cluster for a total of three skip patterns deletion requirement.

    The rate match FIFO can insert a maximum of four skip patterns in a cluster, if there are no more than five skip patterns in the cluster after insertion.

    Figure 46. Rate Match FIFO Deletion with Three Skip Patterns Required for Deletion

    In the following figure, /K28.5/ is the control pattern and neutral disparity /K28.0/ is the skip pattern. The first skip cluster has a /K28.5/ control pattern followed by three /K28.0/ skip patterns. The second skip cluster has a /K28.5/ control pattern followed by two /K28.0/ skip patterns. The rate match FIFO inserts only two /K28.0/ skip patterns into the first skip cluster to maintain a maximum of five skip patterns in the cluster after insertion. One /K28.0/ skip pattern is inserted into the second cluster for a total of three skip patterns to meet the insertion requirement.

    Figure 47. Rate Match FIFO Insertion with Three Skip Patterns Required for Insertion

    The following figure shows the deletion of D5 when the upstream transmitter reference clock frequency is greater than the local receiver reference clock frequency. It asserts rx_std_rmfifo_full for one parallel clock cycle while the deletion takes place.

    Figure 48.  Rate Match FIFO Becoming Full After Receiving D5

    The following figure shows the insertion of skip symbols when the local receiver reference clock frequency is greater than the upstream transmitter reference clock frequency. It asserts rx_std_rmfifo_empty for one parallel clock cycle while the insertion takes place.

    Figure 49. Rate Match FIFO Becoming Empty After Receiving D3

Rate Match FIFO Basic (Double Width) Mode

  1. Select basic (double width) in the RX rate match FIFO mode list.
  2. Enter values for the following parameters.
    Parameter Value Description
    RX rate match insert/delete +ve pattern (hex) 20 bits of data specified as a hexadecimal string The first 10 bits correspond to the skip pattern and the last 10 bits correspond to the control pattern. The skip pattern must have neutral disparity.
    RX rate match insert/delete -ve pattern (hex) 20 bits of data specified as a hexadecimal string The first 10 bits correspond to the skip pattern and the last 10 bits correspond to the control pattern. The skip pattern must have neutral disparity.

    The rate match FIFO can delete as many pairs of skip patterns from a cluster as necessary to avoid the rate match FIFO from overflowing. The rate match FIFO can delete a pair of skip patterns only if the two 10-bit skip patterns appear in the same clock cycle on the LSByte and MSByte of the 20-bit word. If the two skip patterns appear straddled on the MSByte of a clock cycle and the LSByte of the next clock cycle, the rate match FIFO cannot delete the pair of skip patterns.

    In the following figure, the first skip cluster has a /K28.5/ control pattern in the LSByte and /K28.0/ skip pattern in the MSByte of a clock cycle followed by one /K28.0/ skip pattern in the LSByte of the next clock cycle. The rate match FIFO cannot delete the two skip patterns in this skip cluster because they do not appear in the same clock cycle. The second skip cluster has a /K28.5/ control pattern in the MSByte of a clock cycle followed by two pairs of /K28.0/ skip patterns in the next two cycles. The rate match FIFO deletes both pairs of /K28.0/ skip patterns (for a total of four skip patterns deleted) from the second skip cluster to meet the three skip pattern deletion requirement.

    The rate match FIFO can insert as many pairs of skip patterns into a cluster necessary to avoid the rate match FIFO from under running. The 10-bit skip pattern can appear on the MSByte, the LSByte, or both, of the 20-bit word.

    Figure 50. Rate Match FIFO Deletion with Four Skip Patterns Required for Deletion/K28.5/ is the control pattern and neutral disparity /K28.0/ is the skip pattern.

    In the following figure, /K28.5/ is the control pattern and neutral disparity /K28.0/ is the skip pattern. The first skip cluster has a /K28.5/ control pattern in the LSByte and /K28.0/ skip pattern in the MSByte of a clock cycle. The rate match FIFO inserts pairs of skip patterns in this skip cluster to meet the three skip pattern insertion requirement.

    Figure 51. Rate Match FIFO Insertion with Four Skip Patterns Required for Insertion

    The following figure shows the deletion of the 20-bit word D7D8.

    Figure 52.  Rate Match FIFO Becoming Full After Receiving the 20-Bit Word D5D6

    The following figure shows the insertion of two skip symbols.

    Figure 53. Rate Match FIFO Becoming Empty After Reading out the 20-Bit Word D5D6

Rate Match FIFO for GbE

The rate match FIFO compensates frequency Part-Per-Million (ppm) differences between the upstream transmitter and the local receiver reference clock up to 125 MHz ± 100 ppm difference.
Note: 200 ppm total is only true if calculated as (125 MHz + 100 ppm) - (125 MHz - 100 ppm) = 200 ppm. By contrast, (125 MHz + 0 ppm) - (125 MHz - 200 ppm) is out of specification.

The GbE protocol requires the transmitter to send Idle ordered sets /I1/ (/K28.5/D5.6/) and /I2/ (/K28.5/D16.2/) during inter-packet gaps (IPG) adhering to the rules listed in the IEEE 802.3-2008 specification.

The rate match operation begins after the synchronization state machine in the word aligner indicates synchronization is acquired by driving the rx_syncstatus signal high. The rate matcher deletes or inserts both symbols /K28.5/ and /D16.2/ of the /I2/ ordered sets as a pair in the operation to prevent the rate match FIFO from overflowing or underflowing. The rate match operation can insert or delete as many /I2/ ordered sets as necessary.

The following figure shows a rate match deletion operation example where three symbols must be deleted. Because the rate match FIFO can only delete /I2/ ordered sets, it deletes two /I2/ ordered sets (four symbols deleted).

Figure 54. Rate Match FIFO Deletion

The following figure shows an example of rate match FIFO insertion in the case where one symbol must be inserted. Because the rate match FIFO can only insert /I2/ ordered sets, it inserts one /I2/ ordered set (two symbols inserted).

Figure 55. Rate Match FIFO Insertion

rx_std_rmfifo_full and rx_std_rmfifo_empty are forwarded to the FPGA fabric to indicate rate match FIFO full and empty conditions.

The rate match FIFO does not delete code groups to overcome a FIFO full condition. It asserts the rx_std_rmfifo_full flag for at least two recovered clock cycles to indicate rate match FIFO full. The following figure shows the rate match FIFO full condition when the write pointer is faster than the read pointer.

Figure 56. Rate Match FIFO Full Condition

The rate match FIFO does not insert code groups to overcome the FIFO empty condition. It asserts the rx_std_rmfifo_empty flag for at least two recovered clock cycles to indicate that the rate match FIFO is empty. The following figure shows the rate match FIFO empty condition when the read pointer is faster than the write pointer.

Figure 57. Rate Match FIFO Empty Condition

In the case of rate match FIFO full and empty conditions, you must assert the rx_digitalreset signal to reset the receiver PCS blocks.

Clock Compensation for PIPE

Refer to the Gen1 and Gen2 Clock Compensation and Gen3 Clock Compensation sections for more information.