L- and H-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 683621
Date 12/13/2024
Document Table of Contents How to Use the Simulation Library Compiler

The Simulation Library Compiler compiles Intel simulation libraries for supported simulation tools, and saves the simulation files in the output directory you specify.

Note: Because the ModelSim* - Intel® FPGA Edition software provides precompiled simulation libraries, you do not have to compile simulation libraries if you are using the ModelSim* - Intel® FPGA Edition software.

Complete the following steps to compile the simulation model libraries using the Simulation Library Compiler:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Launch Simulation Library Compiler.
  2. Under EDA simulation tool, for the Tool name, select your simulation tool.
  3. Under Executable location, browse to the location of the simulation tool you specified. You must specify this location before you can run the EDA Simulation Library Compiler.
  4. Under Library families, select one or more family names and move them to the Selected families list.
  5. Under Library language, select Verilog, VHDL, or both.
  6. In the Output directory field, specify a location to store the compiled libraries.
  7. Click Start Compilation.
Note: Once the simulation model compilation starts, the compilation may require from 15 minutes to a full hour, depending on your system. Although the compilation messages may appear paused or incomplete, the compilation is still running correctly.

Complete the following steps to add the simulation files to your project:

  1. On the Assignments menu, click Settings.
  2. In the Category list, select Files.
  3. Click Browse to open the Select File dialog box and select one or more files in the Files list to add to your project.
  4. Click Open, and then Add to add the selected files to your project.
  5. Click OK to close the Settings dialog box.