Visible to Intel only — GUID: nik1398984006651
Visible to Intel only — GUID: nik1398984006651
4.15. PCS Registers
Addr | Bit | Access | Name | Description |
0x80 | 31:0 | RW | Indirect_addr | Because the PHY implements a single channel, this register must remain at the default value of 0 to specify logical channel 0. |
0x81 | 2 | RW | RCLR_ERRBLK_CNT | Error Block Counter clear register. When set to 1, clears the RCLR_ERRBLK_CNT register. When set to 0, normal operation continues. |
3 | RW | RCLR_BER_COUNT | BER Counter clear register. When set to 1, clears the RCLR_BER_COUNT register. When set to 0, normal operation continues. | |
0x82 | 1 | RO | HI_BER | High BER status. When set to 1, the PCS is reporting a high BER. When set to 0, the PCS is not reporting a high BER. |
2 | RO | BLOCK_LOCK | Block lock status. When set to 1, the PCS is locked to received blocks. When set to 0, the PCS is not locked to received blocks. | |
3 | RO | TX_FULL | When set to 1, the TX_FIFO is full. | |
4 | RO | RX_FULL | When set to 1, the RX_FIFO is full. | |
5 | RO | RX_SYNC_HEAD_ERROR | When set to 1, indicates an RX synchronization error. | |
6 | RO | RX_SCRAMBLER_ERROR | When set to 1, indicates an RX scrambler error. | |
7 | RO | Rx_DATA_READY | When set to 1, indicates the PHY is ready to receive data. |
Offset |
Bits |
R/W |
Name |
Description |
0x12D |
[15:0] |
R/W |
Seed A for PRP | Bits [15:0] of seed A for the pseudo-random pattern. |
0x12E |
[15:0] |
Bits [31:16] of seed A for the pseudo-random pattern. |
0x12F |
[15:0] |
Bits [47:21] of seed A for the pseudo-random pattern. |
0x130 |
[9:0] |
Bits [57:48] of seed A for the pseudo-random pattern. |
0x131 |
[15:0] |
R/W |
Seed B for PRP | Bits [15:0] of seed B for the pseudo-random pattern. |
0x132 |
[15:0] |
Bits [31:16] of seed B for the pseudo-random pattern. |
0x133 |
[15:0] |
Bits [47:32] of seed B for the pseudo-random pattern. |
0x134 |
[9:0] |
Bits [57:48] of seed B for the pseudo-random pattern. |
0x135 |
[15:12] |
R/W |
Square Wave Pattern | Specifies the number of consecutive 1s and 0s. The following values are available: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10. |
[10] |
R/W |
TX PRBS 7 Enable | Enables the PRBS-7 polynomial in the transmitter. |
[8] |
R/W |
TX PRBS 23 Enable | Enables the PRBS-23 polynomial in the transmitter. |
[6] |
R/W |
TX PRBS 9 Enable | Enables the PRBS-9 polynomial in the transmitter. |
[4] |
R/W |
TX PRBS 31 Enable | Enables the PRBS-31 Polynomial in the transmitter. |
[3] |
R/W |
TX Test Enable | Enables the pattern generator in the transmitter. |
[1] |
R/W |
TX Test Pattern Select | Selects between the square wave or pseudo-random pattern generator. The following encodings are defined:
[0] |
R/W |
Data Pattern Select |
Selects the data pattern for the pseudo-random pattern. The following encodings are defined:
0x137 |
[2] |
R/W |
TX PRBS Clock Enable | Enables the transmitter PRBS clock. |
[1] |
R/W |
TX Square Wave Clock Enable | Enables the square wave clock. |
0x15E |
[14] |
R/W |
RX PRBS 7 Enable | Enables the PRBS-7 polynomial in the receiver. |
[13] |
R/W |
RX PRBS 23 Enable | Enables the PRBS-23 polynomial in the receiver. |
[12] |
R/W |
RX PRBS 9 Enable | Enables the PRBS-9 polynomial in the receiver. |
[11] |
R/W |
RX PRBS 31 Enable | Enables the PRBS-31 polynomial in the receiver. |
[10] |
R/W |
RX Test Enable | Enables the PRBS pattern verifier in the receiver. |
0x164 |
[10] |
R/W |
RX PRBS Clock Enable | Enables the receiver PRBS Clock. |
0x169 |
[0] |
R/W |
RX Test Pattern Select | Selects between a square wave or pseudo-random pattern. The following encodings are defined: