V-Series Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide

ID 683171
Date 7/26/2022
Document Table of Contents

16.6.4. 8B/10B

The 8B/10B encoder generates 10-bit code groups from the 8-bit data and 1-bit control identifier. The 8B/10B decoder decodes the data into an 8-bit data and 1-bit control identifier.

In 8-bit width mode, the 8B/10B encoder translates the 8-bit data to a 10-bit code group (control word or data word) with proper disparity.

Note: For more information refer to the 8B/10B Encoder and 8B/10B Decoder sections in the Transceiver Architecture in Cyclone V Devices.
Table 305.  8B/10B Encoder and Decoder Parameters




Enable TX 8B/10B encoder


When you turn this option On, the PCS includes the 8B/10B encoder.

Enable TX 8B/10B disparity control


When you turn this option On, the PCS includes disparity control for the 8B/10B encoder. You force the disparity of the 8B/10B encoder using the tx_forcedisp and tx_dispval control signal.

Enable RX 8B/10B decoder


When you turn this option On, the PCS includes the 8B/10B decoder.