V-Series Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide

ID 683171
Date 7/26/2022
Document Table of Contents master_ch_number

Pin Planner and Assignment Editor Name

Parameter (Assignment Editor Only)


For the PHY IP Core for PCI Express (PIPE), specifies the channel number of the channel acting as the master channel for a single transceiver bank or 2 adjacent banks. This setting allows you to override the default master channel assignment for the PCS and PMA. The master channel must use a TX PLL that is in the same transceiver bank. Available for Gen1, Gen2, and Gen3 variants. The following example shows how to override the default master channel for a Stratix V design. You must apply the pma_bonding_master override parameter on the Stratix V Transceiver Native PHY instance name. You can use the same procedure for other devices.

Overriding Default Master Channel

Example: set_parameter -name master_ch_number 4 -to


1, 4

Assign To

Include in .qsf file