V-Series Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide

ID 683171
Date 7/26/2022
Document Table of Contents

6.2.3. Changing the PHY's Speed

You can change the PHY's speed through the reconfiguration block.

  1. The user application initiates the speed change by writing to the corresponding register of the reconfiguration block.
  2. The reconfiguration block performs the following steps:
    • In Arria V devices:
      1. Sets the xcvr_mode signal of the 1G/2.5/10G Multi-rate Ethernet PHY to the requested speed.
      2. Selects the corresponding transceiver PLL.
      3. Configures the transceiver using the configuration settings embedded in the reconfiguration block.
  3. The reconfiguration block triggers the PHY reset through the transceiver reset controller.