External Memory Interfaces Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683741
Date 3/11/2022

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Document Table of Contents Opening the Efficiency Monitor

The Efficiency Monitor GUI runs on the System Console. You can launch the System Console from the Tools menu in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.

Connecting the Efficiency Monitor

  1. Compile a design with an Efficiency Monitor, as described in Enabling the Efficiency Monitor in a Design Example .
  2. Program the .sof file onto a device.
  3. Launch the System Console—either through the Intel® Quartus® Prime software, or directly from the command line.
  4. Load the .sof file of your design.
  5. Select the emif_effmon toolkit instance.
  6. Select EMIF Efficiency Monitor Toolkit in the Details section of the Toolkit Explorer in the System Console.
  7. Click Open Toolkit to launch the Efficiency Monitor toolkit.
Figure 163. Connecting the Efficiency Monitor

Starting and Stopping the Efficiency Monitor

To start collecting information on the Avalon® interface, click Enable Efficiency Monitor.

Figure 164. Enable Efficiency Monitor

To stop the Efficiency Monitor, click Disable Efficiency Monitor.

Figure 165. Disable Efficiency Monitor

Status Registers

The Status Registers tab lets you:

  • Read all status registers from the device, by clicking Read Status Registers.
  • Clear all status registers, by clicking Clear Status Registers.
Figure 166. Status Registers

Performance Report

The Performance Report tab displays efficiency as a percentage, and the read latency report.

Figure 167. Performance Report Tab
The reported values are calculated using values in the status registers, as follows: