External Memory Interfaces Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683741
Date 3/11/2022

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Document Table of Contents ISSP Tab

The ISSP tab allows you to read probe data and set source values for the In-System Sources and Probes in the design.

To reread probe data from the ISSPs in the design, expand the In-System Probes section and click the Update Probe Info button.

Figure 148. In-System Probes

To reread source data from the ISSPs in the design, expand the In-System Sources section and click the Update Source Info button.

Figure 149. In-System Sources

To overwrite the source data, select the Instance Name and change the Writedata value. Click the Write Source Data button to write the new source value.

Table 352.  Definition of ISSPs in the EMIF Design Example
Instance Name Description
PLLL PLL Lock signal. A value of 1 means that the PLL is locked, a value of 0 means that the PLL cannot lock to the reference clock.
RCNT Total read data count.
FCNT Total fail count (data mismatch count).
FADR First address where a data mismatch is reported.
RAVP Read data valid from the data before the first failing address.
RAVN Read data valid from the data after the first failing address.
PNF# Persistent Pass Not Fail Flag. A 1 indicates pass, 0 indicates fail.
FPN# PNF flag for the first data mismatch.
FEX# The expected read data for the first failing read.
FEP# The expected read data before the first failing read.
FEN# The expected read data after the first failing read.
ACT# The actual read data for the first failing read.
ACP# The actual read data before the first failing read.
ACN# The actual read data after the first failing read.
LRD# The repeated read result. When there is an error, the driver reads again from the first failing address. This is the PNF flag for the repeated read.
AVSC Avalon Stall Count - a concatenation of the following three 32-bit signals (MSB to LSB):
  • Count of read/write requests on the ctrl_amm interface.
  • Count of only read requests on the ctrl_amm interface.
  • Number of clocks counted since receiving the first read/write request.
PALP Clock phase alignment lock status.
PALS Clock phase alignment lock (secondary).
CALC Calibration counter. Highest bit is a done signal — a value of 1 means that calibration has completed, and a value of 0 means that calibration is still in progress. The other 32 bits are a clock counter which tracks the number of clocks passed during calibration.
TGP Traffic Generator Pass Flag. Pass=1.
TGF Traffic Generator Fail Flag. Fail=1.