Arria® 10 Core Fabric and General Purpose I/Os Handbook

ID 683461
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

8.2. Arria® 10 SEU Mitigation Techniques

Arria® 10 devices feature various single-event upset (SEU) mitigation approaches for different application areas.

Table 109.  SEU Mitigation Areas and Approaches for Arria® 10 Devices
Area SEU Mitigation Approach
Silicon design: CRAM/SRAMs/flip flops Altera uses various design techniques to reduce upsets or limit to correctable double-bit errors.
Error Detection Cyclic redundancy check (EDCRC)/Scrubbing You can enable the EDCRC feature for detecting CRAM SEU events and automatic correction of CRAM contents.
M20K SRAM block Altera FPGA implements interleaving, special layout techniques, and Error Correction Code (ECC) to reduce SEU FIT rate to almost zero.
Sensitivity processing You can use sensitivity processing to identify if the SEU in CRAM bit is a used or unused bit.
Fault injection You can use fault injection feature to validate the system response to the SEU event by changing the CRAM state to trigger an error.
Hierarchical tagging A complementary capability to sensitivity processing and fault injection for reporting SEU and constraining injection to specific portions of design logic.
Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) You can implement TMR technique on critical logic such as state machines.