Visible to Intel only — Ixiasoft
Visible to Intel only — Ixiasoft Error Message Register
The EMR contains information on the error type, the location of the error, and the actual syndrome. This register is 78 bits wide in Arria® 10 devices. The EMR does not identify the location bits for uncorrectable errors. The location of the errors consists of the frame number, double word location and bit location within the frame and column.
You can shift out the contents of the register through the following:
- EMR Unloader IP core—core interface
- SHIFT_EDERROR_REG JTAG instruction—JTAG interface
- HPS Shift register—HPS interface
Name | Width (Bits) | Description |
Frame Address | 16 | Frame Number of the error location |
Column-Based Double Word | 2 | There are 4 double words per frame in a column. It indicates the double word location of the error |
Column-Based Bits | 5 | Error location within 32-bit double word |
Column-Based Type | 3 | Types of error shown in the Error Type in EMR table. |
Frame-Based syndrome register | 32 | Contains the 32-bit CRC signature calculated for the current frame. If the CRC value is 0, the CRC_ERROR pin is driven low to indicate no error. Otherwise, the pin is pulled high. |
Frame-Based Double Word | 10 | Double word location within the CRAM frame. |
Frame-Based Bit | 5 | Error location within 32-bit double word |
Frame-Based Type | 3 | Types of error shown in the Error Type in EMR table. |
Reserved | 1 | Reserved bit |
Column-Based Check-Bits Update | 1 | Logic high if there is error encountered during the column check-bits update stage. The CRC_ERROR pin will be asserted and stay high until the FPGA is reconfigured. |
Retrieving Error Information
You can retrieve the EMR contents via the core interface or the JTAG interface using the SHIFT_EDERROR_REG JTAG instruction. Altera provides the Error Message Register Unloader Intel® FPGA IP core that unload EMR content via core interface and allows it to be shared between several design component.
Error Type in EMR
Error Types | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 | Description |
Frame-based | 0 | 0 | 0 | No error |
0 | 0 | 1 | Single-bit error | |
0 | 1 | X | Double-adjacent error | |
1 | 1 | 1 | Uncorrectable error | |
Column-Based | 0 | 0 | 0 | No error |
0 | 0 | 1 | Single bit error | |
0 | 1 | X | Double-adjacent error in a same frame | |
1 | 0 | X | Double-adjacent error in a different frame | |
1 | 1 | 0 | Double-adjacent error in a different frame | |
1 | 1 | 1 | Uncorrectable error |