Intel® Stratix® 10 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683222
Date 11/28/2022

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15.3. NAND Flash Controller Signal Descriptions

All NAND pins have to be from one of the following categories:
  • HPS I/O
  • FPGA I/O
The following table lists all NAND Flash pin options available to both the HPS and FPGA.
Table 103.  NAND Flash Pin Options
Pins Supported Data Width Supported Number of CE and R/B
HPS Pins 8-bit or 16-bit 1
FPGA Pins 8-bit or 16-bit 1 – 4
If you are required to connect multiple NAND devices, you must route the NAND interface to FPGA logic. If you use HPS pins, you can only use one CE and R/B pair. If you use FPGA pins, you can use multiple CE and R/B pairs.
Note: The options are mutually exclusive, which means you cannot use HPS pins, and route the CE and R/B signals to FPGA pins.
Table 104.  NAND Flash Interface Signals
Platform Designer Port Name Connected to FPGA Connected to HPS I/O HPS Pin Name
nand_adq_i[15:0] Yes Yes NAND_ADQ[15:0]
nand_adq_oe Yes Yes
nand_adq_o[15:0] Yes Yes
nand_ale_o Yes Yes NAND_ALE
nand_ce_o[3:0] Yes, 4 chip enables Yes, 1 chip enable NAND_CE_N
nand_cle_o Yes Yes NAND_CLE
nand_re_o Yes Yes NAND_RE_N
nand_rdy_busy_i[3:0] Yes, 4 ready/busy signals Yes, 1 ready/busy signal NAND_RB
nand_we_o Yes Yes NAND_WE_N
nand_wp_o Yes Yes NAND_WP_N