Intel® Stratix® 10 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683222
Date 11/28/2022

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Document Table of Contents Intel Stratix 10 Dedicated Pin MUX Registers

The HPS provides pin MUX registers, pin0sel through pin47sel, for each of the dedicated pins HPS_IOA_0 to HPS_IOA_23 and HPS_IOB_0 to HPS_IOB_23. Each pin MUX register contains a 4-bit MUX select field to select the function of the dedicated pin. A cold reset event sets these fields to 9 (reserved). Before a pin can connect to an HPS peripheral, the bootloader must reconfigure the MUX select field.

A warm reset event does not affect the dedicated pin MUX registers.

Platform Designer determines the values of the pin MUX registers automatically when you configure the HPS component.

Note: Although the HPS dedicated I/O pins are configured through the control registers, software cannot reconfigure the pins after I/O configuration is complete. There is no support for dynamically changing the pin MUX selections for HPS dedicated I/O pins.
Note: Platform Designer automatically places the values of the pin MUX registers in the Platform Designer handoff folder when you compile your design with the HPS component. The generator tool uses the handoff folder when generating the boot loader. The boot loader configures the pins during boot. You cannot select the oscillator clock input through the pin MUX (pin*sel) registers. To select the oscillator clock input you must program the HPS Oscillator Clock Input register (hps_osc_clk) and then set the corresponding pin*sel register to a value of 0x9.