Visible to Intel only — GUID: xgn1536156406124
Visible to Intel only — GUID: xgn1536156406124
9.5. RS-FEC Registers
The delay between RS-FEC register reads should be at least 10 μs. There is no such requirement for register writes. As a result, RS-FEC register back-to-back writes are allowed.
In order to get reliable readouts of the registers with addresses greater than 0x100, ensure RS-FEC has a valid clock.
Reconfiguration and status monitoring of the RS-FEC block in the E-tile Native PHY IP core is provided through a dedicated Avalon® memory-mapped interface. This interface specifically reads and writes the control and status registers associated with the RS-FEC block. A separate Avalon® memory-mapped interface, called the channel Avalon® memory-mapped interface, reads and writes the control and status registers associated with the other blocks in the E-tile Native PHY IP core.
The Avalon® memory-mapped interface for the RS-FEC consists of eight interface ports exposed at the top level of the Native PHY IP core.
Port Name | Direction | Clock Domain | Width | |
reconfig_rsfec_clk | Input | wire | N/A | |
reconfig_rsfec_reset | Input | wire | reconfig_rsfec_clk | |
reconfig_rsfec_write | Input | wire | reconfig_rsfec_clk | |
reconfig_rsfec_read | Input | wire | reconfig_rsfec_clk | |
reconfig_rsfec_address | Input | wire | reconfig_rsfec_clk | [10:0] |
reconfig_rsfec_writedata | Input | wire | reconfig_rsfec_clk | [7:0] |
reconfig_rsfec_readdata | Output | wire | reconfig_rsfec_clk | [7:0] |
reconfig_rsfec_waitrequest | Output | wire | reconfig_rsfec_clk |
The reconfig_rsfec_clk input must be driven by a 100-125 MHz clock. The same clock can be used for this input as for the channel Avalon® memory-mapped interface.
The reconfig_rsfec_reset input must be asserted for at least one clock cycle of the reconfiguration clock after the device has entered user mode. The Reset IP can be used to provide this reset signal.
The reconfig_rsfec_write and reconfig_rsfec_read inputs are used to indicate to the Avalon® memory-mapped interface whether a read or write operation is desired. The reconfig_rsfec_address input is used for both read and write operations and indicates which register address is targeted during the current Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface access operation.
The reconfig_rsfec_writedata and reconfig_rsfec_readdata contain the data to be written to or the data read from the register address set by the 11 bit reconfig_rsfec_address input.
The reconfig_rsfec_writedata and reconfig_rsfec_readdata ports are 8 bits wide. The RS-FEC registers, in the hardware, are 32 bits wide, but they use 4 byte increment addressing, so the 32 bit register can be addressed as four 8 bit registers with contiguous byte addresses.
For example, the least-significant byte (lowest order byte) of register 0x04 (where register address 0x04 is considered as a 32 bit register address) is accessed by reading 8 bits from or writing 8 bits to address 0x04. To get the next most significant byte of the same 32 bit register, read 8 bits from or write 8 bits to address 0x05. To get the rest of the register, use addresses 0x06 and 0x07. The next 32 bit register has an address of 0x08. In other words, the 32 bit register addresses increment by 4 bytes for each register.
Effectively, the registers are addressed, read, and written one byte at a time. This matches the hardware implementation of the Avalon® memory-mapped interface.
The reconfig_rsfec_waitrequest output asserts when the Avalon® memory-mapped interface is busy servicing an Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface operation and deasserts when the Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface is available for the next operation.
Address | Name | Description | Reset |
0x04 | rsfec_top_clk_cfg | RS-FEC Clock configuration register | 0x0000 0F00 |
0x10 | rsfec_top_tx_cfg | RS-FEC TX configuration register | 0x0000 0000 |
0x14 | rsfec_top_rx_cfg | RS-FEC RX configuration register | 0x0000 0000 |
0x20 | tx_aib_dsk_conf | Defines the configuration fields for TX Deskew | 0x0000 0000 |
0x30 | rsfec_core_cfg | RS-FEC core configuration | 0x0000 0000 |
0x40 | rsfec_lane_cfg_0 | RS-FEC per lane configuration | 0x0000 0000 |
0x44 | rsfec_lane_cfg_1 | ||
0x48 | rsfec_lane_cfg_2 | ||
0x4C | rsfec_lane_cfg_3 | ||
0x104 | tx_aib_dsk_status | Status fields for TX Deskew | 0x0000 0000 |
0x108 | rsfec_debug_cfg | Extra config/debug on fec_clock | 0x0000 0000 |
0x120 | rsfec_lane_tx_stat_0 | RS-FEC per lane TX status | 0x0000 0000 |
0x124 | rsfec_lane_tx_stat_1 | ||
0x128 | rsfec_lane_tx_stat_2 | ||
0x12C | rsfec_lane_tx_stat_3 | ||
0x130 | rsfec_lane_tx_hold_0 | RS-FEC per lane TX status hold | 0x0000 0000 |
0x134 | rsfec_lane_tx_hold_1 | ||
0x138 | rsfec_lane_tx_hold_2 | ||
0x13C | rsfec_lane_tx_hold_3 | ||
0x140 | rsfec_lane_tx_inten_0 | RS-FEC per lane TX status hold interrupt - set to 1 to enable rsfec_lane_tx lane interrupt | 0x0000 0000 |
0x144 | rsfec_lane_tx_inten_1 | ||
0x148 | rsfec_lane_tx_inten_2 | ||
0x14C | rsfec_lane_tx_inten_3 | ||
0x150 | rsfec_lane_rx_stat_0 | RS-FEC per lane RX status | 0x0000 0000 |
0x154 | rsfec_lane_rx_stat_1 | ||
0x158 | rsfec_lane_rx_stat_2 | ||
0x15C | rsfec_lane_rx_stat_3 | ||
0x160 | rsfec_lane_rx_hold_0 | RS-FEC per lane RX status hold | 0x0000 0000 |
0x164 | rsfec_lane_rx_hold_1 | ||
0x168 | rsfec_lane_rx_hold_2 | ||
0x16C | rsfec_lane_rx_hold_3 | ||
0x170 | rsfec_lane_rx_inten_0 | RS-FEC per lane RX status hold interrupt - set to 1 to enable rsfec_lane_rx lane interrupt | 0x0000 0000 |
0x174 | rsfec_lane_rx_inten_1 | ||
0x178 | rsfec_lane_rx_inten_2 | ||
0x17C | rsfec_lane_rx_inten_3 | ||
0x180 | rsfec_lanes_rx_stat | RS-FEC combined lanes RX status | 0x0000 0000 |
0x188 | rsfec_lanes_rx_hold | RS-FEC combined lanes RX hold status | 0x0000 0000 |
0x18C | rsfec_lanes_rx_inten | RS-FEC combined lanes RX interrupt enable - set to 1 to enable rsfec_lanes RX lane interrupt | 0x0000 0000 |
0x1A0 | rsfec_ln_mapping_rx_0 | RS-FEC FEC lane mapping | 0x0000 0000 |
0x1A4 | rsfec_ln_mapping_rx_1 | ||
0x1A8 | rsfec_ln_mapping_rx_2 | ||
0x1AC | rsfec_ln_mapping_rx_3 | ||
0x1B0 | rsfec_ln_skew_rx_0 | RS-FEC lane skew | 0x0000 0000 |
0x1B4 | rsfec_ln_skew_rx_1 | ||
0x1B8 | rsfec_ln_skew_rx_2 | ||
0x1BC | rsfec_ln_skew_rx_3 | ||
0x1C0 | rsfec_cw_pos_rx_0 | RS-FEC codeword bit position on RX | 0x0000 0000 |
0x1C4 | rsfec_cw_pos_rx_1 | ||
0x1C8 | rsfec_cw_pos_rx_2 | ||
0x1CC | rsfec_cw_pos_rx_3 | ||
0x1D0 | rsfec_core_ecc_hold | RS-FEC SRAM ECC status hold | 0x0000 0000 |
0x1E0 | rsfec_err_inj_tx_0 | RS-FEC error injection mode | 0x0000 0000 |
0x1E4 | rsfec_err_inj_tx_1 | ||
0x1E8 | rsfec_err_inj_tx_2 | ||
0x1EC | rsfec_err_inj_tx_3 | ||
0x1F0 | rsfec_err_val_tx_0 | RS-FEC per lane error injection status | 0x0000 0000 |
0x1F4 | rsfec_err_val_tx_1 | ||
0x1F8 | rsfec_err_val_tx_2 | ||
0x1FC | rsfec_err_val_tx_3 | ||
0x200 | rsfec_corr_cw_cnt_0_lo | RS-FEC number of FEC codewords with errors that were corrected (low word: bits 31 to 0) | 0x0000 0000 |
0x208 | rsfec_corr_cw_cnt_1_lo | ||
0x210 | rsfec_corr_cw_cnt_2_lo | ||
0x218 | rsfec_corr_cw_cnt_3_lo | ||
0x204 | rsfec_corr_cw_cnt_0_hi | RS-FEC number of FEC codewords with errors that were corrected (high word: bits 63 to 32) | 0x0000 0000 |
0x20C | rsfec_corr_cw_cnt_1_hi | ||
0x214 | rsfec_corr_cw_cnt_2_hi | ||
0x21C | rsfec_corr_cw_cnt_3_hi | ||
0x220 | rsfec_uncorr_cw_cnt_0_lo | RS-FEC number of FEC codewords that could not be corrected due to too many errors (low word: bits 31 to 0) | 0x0000 0000 |
0x228 | rsfec_uncorr_cw_cnt_1_lo | ||
0x230 | rsfec_uncorr_cw_cnt_2_lo | ||
0x238 | rsfec_uncorr_cw_cnt_3_lo | ||
0x224 | rsfec_uncorr_cw_cnt_0_hi | RS-FEC number of FEC codewords that could not be corrected due to too many errors (high word: bits 63 to 32) | 0x0000 0000 |
0x22C | rsfec_uncorr_cw_cnt_1_hi | ||
0x234 | rsfec_uncorr_cw_cnt_2_hi | ||
0x23C | rsfec_uncorr_cw_cnt_3_hi | ||
0x240 | rsfec_corr_syms_cnt_0_lo | RS-FEC number of 10b symbols corrected for the lane (low word: bits 31 to 0) | 0x0000 0000 |
0x248 | rsfec_corr_syms_cnt_1_lo | ||
0x250 | rsfec_corr_syms_cnt_2_lo | ||
0x258 | rsfec_corr_syms_cnt_3_lo | ||
0x244 | rsfec_corr_syms_cnt_0_hi | RS-FEC number of 10b symbols corrected for the lane (high word: bits 63 to 32) | 0x0000 0000 |
0x24C | rsfec_corr_syms_cnt_1_hi | ||
0x254 | rsfec_corr_syms_cnt_2_hi | ||
0x25C | rsfec_corr_syms_cnt_3_hi | ||
0x260 | rsfec_corr_0s_cnt_0_lo | RS-FEC number of bits corrected 0->1 for the lane (low word: bits 31 to 0) | 0x0000 0000 |
0x268 | rsfec_corr_0s_cnt_1_lo | ||
0x270 | rsfec_corr_0s_cnt_2_lo | ||
0x278 | rsfec_corr_0s_cnt_3_lo | ||
0x264 | rsfec_corr_0s_cnt_0_hi | RS-FEC number of bits corrected 0->1 for the lane (high word: bits 63 to 32) | 0x0000 0000 |
0x26C | rsfec_corr_0s_cnt_1_hi | ||
0x274 | rsfec_corr_0s_cnt_2_hi | ||
0x27C | rsfec_corr_0s_cnt_3_hi | ||
0x280 | rsfec_corr_1s_cnt_0_lo | RS-FEC number of bits corrected 1->0 for the lane (low word: bits 31 to 0) | 0x0000 0000 |
0x288 | rsfec_corr_1s_cnt_1_lo | ||
0x290 | rsfec_corr_1s_cnt_2_lo | ||
0x298 | rsfec_corr_1s_cnt_3_lo | ||
0x284 | rsfec_corr_1s_cnt_0_hi | RS-FEC number of bits corrected 1->0 for the lane (high word: bits 63 to 32) | 0x0000 0000 |
0x28C | rsfec_corr_1s_cnt_1_hi | ||
0x294 | rsfec_corr_1s_cnt_2_hi | ||
0x29C | rsfec_corr_1s_cnt_3_hi |
All statistic registers are 64 bits, and you must do two 32-bit reads. Intel recommends that you enable the shadow_req[3:0] in offset address 0x108 explained in rsfec_debug_cfg before reading the statistics register and disable after reading it.
Section Content
rsfec_corr_cw_cnt (Low)
rsfec_corr_cw_cnt (High)
rsfec_uncorr_cw_cnt (Low)
rsfec_uncorr_cw_cnt (High)
rsfec_corr_syms_cnt (Low)
rsfec_corr_syms_cnt (High)
rsfec_corr_0s_cnt (Low)
rsfec_corr_0s_cnt (High)
rsfec_corr_1s_cnt (Low)
rsfec_corr_1s_cnt (High)