Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide

ID 683439
Date 2/17/2022
Document Table of Contents

10.2.7. Coverage Group

Coverage group ensures that the verification suite tests all expected functionality of the interface. For example, the cover_b2b_packet_different_channel method allows each individual coverage point to be enabled or disabled. When coverage points are disabled, they do not show up as missing coverage in the coverage report. By default all coverage groups are enabled. However, depending on the parameterization of a the Avalon-MM interface, some coverage groups are automatically disabled. For example, if the interface does not use packets, the coverage groups that test packet transfers are automatically disabled. The names of all methods that enable coverage functionality begin with set_enable_c.

To generate the coverage report when using the Synopsys VCS simulator, use the following command:

urg –dir simv.vdb

To generate the coverage report when using the ModelSim® - Intel FPGA Edition software, use the following command:

run –all
coverage report –details –file report.rpt