External Memory Interface Handbook Volume 3: Reference Material: For UniPHY-based Device Families

ID 683841
Date 3/06/2023
Document Table of Contents

1.8.1. Shadow Registers Operation

The sequencer calibrates each rank individually and stores the resulting configuration in shadow registers, which are part of the IP scan chains. UniPHY then selects the appropriate configuration for the rank in use, switching between configurations as necessary. Calibration results for deskew delay chains are stored in the shadow registers. For DQS enable/disable, delay chain configurations come directly from the FPGA core.


The afi_wrank signal indicates the rank to which the controller is writing, so that the PHY can switch to the appropriate setting. Signal timing is identical to afi_dqs_burst; that is, afi_wrank must be asserted at the same time as afi_dqs_burst, and must be of the same duration.

The afi_rrank signal indicates the rank from which the controller is reading, so that the PHY can switch to the appropriate setting. This signal must be asserted at the same time as afi_rdata_en when issuing a read command, and once asserted, must remain unchanged until the controller issues a new read command to another rank.