External Memory Interface Handbook Volume 3: Reference Material: For UniPHY-based Device Families

ID 683841
Date 3/06/2023
Document Table of Contents

12.1.4. Compiling and Simulating the Design

This section explains how to simulate your EMIF example design.
Figure 174. Procedure for Simulating the Design
  1. Change to the simulation directory.
  2. Run the simulation script for the simulator of your choice. Refer to the table below.
  3. Analyze the results.
    Table 109.  Steps to Run Simulation
    Simulator Working Directory Instructions
    Riviera-PRO <variation_name>_example_design\sim\ aldec To simulate the example design using the Riviera-PRO simulator, follow these steps:
    1. At the Linux* or Windows* shell command prompt, change directory to: <variation_name>_example_design\sim\ aldec.
    2. Execute the rivierapro_setup.tcl script by typing the following command at the Linux or Windows command prompt: vsim -do rivierapro_setup.tcl .
    3. To compile and elaborate the design after the script loads, type: ld_debug.
    4. Type run -all to run the simulation.
    5. A successful simulation ends with the following message, “--- SIMULATION PASSED ---“
    NCSim <variation_name>_example_design\sim\cadence\ To simulate the example design using the NCSim simulator, follow these steps:
    1. At the Linux shell command prompt, change directory to <variation_name>_example_design\sim\cadence\.
    2. Run the simulation by typing the following at the command prompt: sh ncsim_setup.sh.
    3. A successful simulation ends with the following message, “--- SIMULATION PASSED ---“
    ModelSim* <variation_name>_example_design\sim\mentor\ To simulate the example design using the Modelsim simulator, follow these steps:
    1. At the Linux or Windows shell command prompt, change directory to <variation_name>_example_design\sim\mentor\.
    2. Perform one of the following:
      • Execute the msim_setup.tcl script by typing the following command at the Linux or Windows command prompt: vsim -do msim_setup.tcl.
      • Type the following command at the ModelSim command prompt: do msim_setup.tcl.
    3. A successful simulation ends with the following message, “--- SIMULATION PASSED ---“
    VCS <variation_name>_example_design\sim\synopsys\vcsmx\ To simulate the example design using the VCS simulator, follow these steps:
    1. At the Linux shell command prompt, change directory to <variation_name>_example_design\sim\synopsys\vcsmx\.
    2. Run the simulation by typing the following at the command prompt: sh vcsmx_setup.sh.
    3. A successful simulation ends with the following message, “--- SIMULATION PASSED ---“