Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683283
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.10.7. Ensure Floorplan Assignments Do Not Significantly Impact Quality of Results

The end results of design partitioning and floorplan creation differ from design to design. However, it is important to evaluate your results to ensure that your scheme is successful. Compare your before and after results, and consider using another scheme if any of the following guidelines are not met:
  • You should see only minor degradation in fMAX after the design is partitioned and floorplan location assignments are created. There is some performance cost associated with setting up a design for incremental compilation; approximately 3% is typical.
  • The area increase should be no more than 5% after the design is partitioned and floorplan location assignments are created.
  • The time spent in the routing stage should not significantly increase.

The amount of compilation time spent in the routing stage is reported in the Messages window with an Info message that indicates the elapsed time for Fitter routing operations. If you notice a dramatic increase in routing time, the floorplan location assignments may be creating substantial routing congestion. In this case, decrease the number of LogicLock regions, which typically reduces the compilation time in subsequent incremental compilations and may also improve design performance.