Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683283
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.11.3. Create a Floorplan as the Project Lead in a Team-Based Flow

Use this approach when you have several designs that will be implemented in separate Intel® Quartus® Prime projects by different designers, or third-party IP designers who want to optimize their designs independently and pass the results to the project lead.

As the project lead in this scenario, follow these steps to prepare the top-level design for a successful team-based design methodology with early floorplan planning:

  1. Create a new Intel® Quartus® Prime project that will ultimately contain the full implementation of the entire design.
  2. Create a “skeleton” or framework of the design that defines the hierarchy for the subdesigns that will be implemented by separate designers. Consider the partitioning guidelines in this manual when determining the design hierarchy.
  3. Make project-wide settings. Select the device, make global assignments for clocks and device I/O ports, and make any global signal constraints to specify which signals can use global routing resources.
  4. Make design partition assignments for each major subdesign. Set the netlist type for each partition that will be implemented in a separate Intel® Quartus® Prime project and later exported and integrated with the top-level design set to Empty.
  5. Create LogicLock regions for each partition to create a design floorplan. This floorplan should consider the connectivity between partitions and estimates of the size of each partition based on any initial implementation numbers and knowledge of the design specifications. Use the guidelines described in this chapter to choose a size and location for each LogicLock region.
  6. Provide the constraints from the top-level design to partition designers using one of the following procedures:
    1. Create a copy of the top-level Intel® Quartus® Prime project framework by checking out the appropriate files from a source control system, using the Copy Project command, or creating a project archive. Provide each partition designer with the copy of the project.
    2. Provide the constraints with documentation or scripts.