Visible to Intel only — GUID: wmm1557106918571
1. Introduction to the Intel® Agilex™ Device Design Guidelines
2. System Specification
3. Device Selection
4. Security Considerations
5. Design Entry
6. Board and Software Considerations
7. Design Implementation, Analysis, Optimization, and Verification
8. Debugging
9. Embedded Software Design Guidelines for Intel® Agilex™ SoC FPGAs
5.1.1. Firewall Planning
5.1.2. Boot And Configuration Considerations
5.1.3. HPS Clocking and Reset Design Considerations
5.1.4. Reset Configuration
5.1.5. HPS Pin Multiplexing Design Considerations
5.1.6. HPS I/O Settings: Constraints and Drive Strengths
5.1.7. Design Guidelines for HPS Interfaces
5.1.8. Interfacing between the FPGA and HPS
5.1.9. Implementing the Intel® Agilex™ HPS Component
7.1. Selecting a Synthesis Tool
7.2. Device Resource Utilization Reports
7.3. Intel® Quartus® Prime Messages
7.4. Timing Constraints and Analysis
7.5. Area and Timing Optimization
7.6. Preserving Performance and Reducing Compilation Time
7.7. Designing with Intel® Hyperflex™
7.8. Simulation
7.9. Power Analysis
7.10. Power Optimization
7.11. Design Implementation, Analysis, Optimization, and Verification Revision History
9.1. Overview
9.2. Golden Hardware Reference Design (GHRD)
9.3. Define Software Requirements
9.4. Define Software Architecture
9.5. Selecting Software Tools
9.6. Choosing the Bootloader Software
9.7. Selecting an Operating System for Your Application
9.8. Assembling Your Software Development Platform for Linux*
9.9. Assembling your Software Development Platform for Partner OS or RTOS
9.10. Driver Considerations
9.11. Boot And Configuration Considerations
9.12. System Reset Considerations
9.13. Flash Considerations
9.14. Develop Application
9.15. Test and Validate
9.16. Embedded Software Design Guidelines Revision History
Visible to Intel only — GUID: wmm1557106918571
5.5. Transceiver Planning
There are four types of transceiver tiles available in Intel® Agilex™ FPGAs:
- E-Tile: General Purpose Transceiver
- P-Tile: PCIe* Gen4 Transceiver
- F-Tile: General Purpose and PCIe* Gen4 Transceiver
For more information about F-Tile, refer to F-tile Avalon® Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide.
- R-Tile: PCIe* Gen5 and Compute Express Link (CXL)
For more information about R-Tile, refer to R-tile Avalon® Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide.
Note: For more information about F-Tile, contact your Intel® representative.
Note: Key: GPIO (LVDS) / E-Tile 28.9G (58G) / P-Tile Gen4 (16G_ PCIe* ) Example: If an entry in the table below contains 576(288)/24(12)/16, it means that 576 GPIO of which 288 are LVDS; twenty-four 28.9 NRZ channels and twelve 58G PAM4 channels; sixteen up to 16G/lane PCIe*
Intel® Agilex™ F-Series Device Names | R2068A 5 | R2486A 6 | R2486B 7 |
AGF004 | — | — | — |
AGF006 | — | — | — |
AGF008 | 576(288)/24(12)/16 | — | — |
AGF012 | 576(288)/24(12)/16 | 768(384)/16(8)/16 | 768(384)/24(12)/16 |
AGF014 | 576(288)/24(12)/16 | 768(384)/16(8)/16 | 768(384)/24(12)/16 |
AGF022 | — | — | 768(384)/24(12)/16 |
AGF027 | — | — | 768(384)/24(12)/16 |
Note: R2486A and R2486B are not package compatible or migratable.
For the R2486A package E-tile, the channel bondout uses all 16 channels that have access to the Ethernet Hard IP (EHIP)s. The 16 channels that have access to EHIPs are channels:
- 0 - 3
- 8 - 15
- 20 - 23
Intel® Agilex™ F-Series Device Names | Number of E-Tile Transceiver Channels | Available E-Tile Transceiver Channel Locations |
AGF 004 | — | — |
AGF 006 | — | — |
AGF 008 | 24 | 0 through 23 |
AGF 012 | 16 or 24 | 16 channels: 0,1,2,3,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,20,21,22,23 24 channels: 0 through 23 |
AGF 014 | 16 or 24 | 16 channels: 0,1,2,3,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,20,21,22,23 24 channels: 0 through 23 |
AGF 022 | 24 | 0 through 23 |
AGF 027 | 24 | 0 through 23 |
5 (E-Tile + P-Tile) (52 mm x 37.5 mm, Hex 1.0 mm pitch)
6 (E-Tile + P-Tile) (55 mm x 42.5 mm, Hex 1.0 mm pitch)
7 (E-Tile + P-Tile) (55 mm x 42.5 mm, Hex 1.0 mm pitch)