AN 886: Intel® Agilex™ Device Design Guidelines

ID 683634
Date 8/26/2022

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Document Table of Contents Serial Configuration Devices

Table 62.  Serial Configuration Devices Checklist
Number Done? Checklist Item
1   If you want to use the AS configuration mode with large device densities, confirm there is a configuration device available that is large enough for your target FPGA density.

Quad SPI flash devices are used as serial configuration devices in the AS configuration scheme.

Serial configuration devices can be programmed using a Intel® FPGA Download Cable II with the Intel® Quartus® Prime software through the active serial interface.

Alternatively, you can use supported third-party programmers such as BP Microsystems and System General, or a microprocessor with the SRunner software driver. SRunner is a software driver developed for embedded serial configuration device programming that designers can customize to fit in different embedded systems.

Serial configuration devices do not directly support the JTAG interface; however, you can program the device with JTAG download cables using the Intel® Agilex™ FPGA as a bridge between the JTAG interface and the configuration device, allowing both devices to use the same JTAG interface.

Programming the Quad SPI flash device from JTAG using the Intel® Agilex™ FPGA as a bridge is slower than using the standard AS interface.