AN 886: Intel® Agilex™ Device Design Guidelines

ID 683634
Date 8/26/2022

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Document Table of Contents

6.1.1. SmartVID

Table 49.  SmartVID Checklist
Number Done? Checklist Item
1   Is voltage regulator for VCC/VCCP PMBus compliant?
2   Is the PWRMGT_SDA, PWRMGT_SCL, PWRMGT_ALERT (for Slave mode) connected with a 1.8V I/O standard?

Is the voltage regulator listed in the Intel® Quartus® Prime GUI drop down?8

In Intel® Quartus® Prime: Assignments > Device... > Device pin and options... > Power Management & VID > Slave device type.

The Intel® Agilex™ device is using the SmartVID feature, which needs a voltage regulator that is PMBus compliant to provide power to VCC/VCCP. Besides, all the PWRMGT_SDA, PWRMGT_SCL, PWRMGT_ALERT (for Slave mode) signals must be connected with a 1.8V I/O standard.

For more information, refer to the Intel® Agilex™ Power Management User Guide.

8 Intel® recommends that you use a voltage regulator listing in the Intel® Quartus® Prime drop down menu Slave device type as these regulators are all fully tested and validated. If you choose an alternate regulator, ensure that it meets all the criteria listed in the Intel® Power Management User Guide.