Visible to Intel only — GUID: yls1557106862692
Visible to Intel only — GUID: yls1557106862692
Ixiasoft Unused Pins
Number | Done? | Checklist Item |
1 | Specify the reserved state for unused I/O pins. | |
2 | Carefully check the pin connections in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software-generated .pin file. Do not connect RESERVED pins. |
You can specify the state of unused pins in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software to allow flexibility in the board design by choosing one of the five allowable states for Reserve all unused pins on the Unused Pins category in the Device and Pin Options dialog box:
- As inputs tri-stated
- As output driving ground
- As outputs driving an unspecified signal
- As input tri-stated with bus-hold circuitry
- As input tri-stated with weak pull-up
The common setting is to set unused pins As inputs tri-stated with weak pull-up. To improve signal integrity, set the unused pins to As output driving ground. Doing this reduces inductance by creating a shorter return path and reduces noise on the neighboring I/Os. This approach should not be used if this results in many via paths causing congestion for signals under the device.
To reduce power dissipation, set clock pins and other unused I/O pins As inputs tri-stated and tie them to ground.
Connection Guidelines for Unused HPS Block
If you are not using the HPS block in the Intel® Agilex™ SoC device, you can follow the guidelines below for HPS specific pins:
Pin Function | If HPS is unused, connect to: |
If you do not intend to utilize the HPS in the Intel® Agilex™ SoC device, you must still provide power to the HPS power supplies. Do not leave the HPS power supplies floating or connect them to GND. For more information, refer to HPS Supply Pins section in the Intel® Agilex™ Device Family Pin Connection Guidelines . |
48 HPS Dedicated IO | No connect (NC) |