External Memory Interfaces Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683741
Date 9/26/2022

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Document Table of Contents General Guidelines

You should follow the recommended guidelines when performing pin placement for all external memory interface pins targeting Intel® Stratix® 10 devices, whether you are using the hard memory controller or your own solution.

If you are using the hard memory controller, you should employ the relative pin locations defined in the <variation_name>/altera_emif_arch_nd_version number/<synth|sim>/<variation_name>_altera_emif_arch_nd_version number_<unique ID>_readme.txt file, which is generated with your IP.

  1. EMIF IP pin-out requirements for the Intel® Stratix® 10 Hard Processor Subsystem (HPS) are more restrictive than for a non-HPS memory interface. The HPS EMIF IP defines a fixed pin-out in the