HDMI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683798
Date 4/22/2022

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Document Table of Contents Audio InfoFrame (AI) Bundle Bit-Fields

Table 50.  Source Audio InfoFrame Bundle Bit-Fields

Table below lists the AI signal bit-fields (as described in HDMI 1.4b Specification Section 8.2.2). The signal bundle is clocked by ls_clk for Support FRL = 0 designs and by vid_clk for Support FRL = 1 designs.

Bit-field Name Description
7:0 Checksum Checksum
10:8 CC Channel count
11 Reserved Returns 0
15:12 CT Audio format type
17:16 SS Bits per audio sample
20:18 SF Sampling frequency
23:21 Reserved Returns 0
31:24 CXT Audio format type of the audio stream
39:32 CA Speaker location allocation FL, FR
41:40 LFEPBL LFE playback level information, dB
42 Reserved Returns 0
46:43 LSV Level shift information, dB
47 DM_INH Down-mix inhibit flag