Visible to Intel only — GUID: wnd1572970651244
1. About the External Memory Interfaces Intel® Agilex™ FPGA IP
2. Intel® Agilex™ FPGA EMIF IP – Introduction
3. Intel® Agilex™ FPGA EMIF IP – Product Architecture
4. Intel® Agilex™ FPGA EMIF IP – End-User Signals
5. Intel® Agilex™ FPGA EMIF IP – Simulating Memory IP
6. Intel® Agilex™ FPGA EMIF IP – DDR4 Support
7. Intel® Agilex™ FPGA EMIF IP – QDR-IV Support
8. Intel® Agilex™ FPGA EMIF IP – Timing Closure
9. Intel® Agilex™ FPGA EMIF IP – I/O Timing Closure
10. Intel® Agilex™ FPGA EMIF IP – Controller Optimization
11. Intel® Agilex™ FPGA EMIF IP – Debugging
12. External Memory Interfaces Intel® Agilex™ FPGA IP User Guide Archives
13. Document Revision History for External Memory Interfaces Intel® Agilex™ FPGA IP User Guide
3.1. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Architecture: Introduction
3.2. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Sequencer
3.3. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Calibration
3.4. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Controller
3.5. User-requested Reset in Intel® Agilex™ EMIF IP
3.6. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF for Hard Processor Subsystem
3.7. Using a Custom Controller with the Hard PHY
3.1.1. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Architecture: I/O Subsystem
3.1.2. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Architecture: I/O SSM
3.1.3. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Architecture: I/O Bank
3.1.4. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Architecture: I/O Lane
3.1.5. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Architecture: Input DQS Clock Tree
3.1.6. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Architecture: PHY Clock Tree
3.1.7. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Architecture: PLL Reference Clock Networks
3.1.8. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Architecture: Clock Phase Alignment Debugging Calibration Failure Using Information from the Calibration report Debugging Address and Command Leveling Calibration Failure Debugging Address and Command Deskew Failure Debugging DQS Enable Failure Debugging Read Deskew Calibration Failure Debugging VREFIN Calibration Failure Debugging LFIFO Calibration Failure Debugging Write Leveling Failure Debugging Write Deskew Calibration Failure Debugging VREFOUT Calibration Failure local_reset_req for DDR4 local_reset_status for DDR4 pll_ref_clk for DDR4 pll_locked for DDR4 ac_parity_err for DDR4 oct for DDR4 mem for DDR4 status for DDR4 afi_reset_n for DDR4 afi_clk for DDR4 afi_half_clk for DDR4 afi for DDR4 emif_usr_reset_n for DDR4 emif_usr_clk for DDR4 ctrl_amm for DDR4 ctrl_amm_aux for DDR4 ctrl_auto_precharge for DDR4 ctrl_user_priority for DDR4 ctrl_ecc_user_interrupt for DDR4 ctrl_ecc_readdataerror for DDR4 ctrl_ecc_status for DDR4 ctrl_mmr_slave for DDR4 hps_emif for DDR4 emif_calbus for DDR4 emif_calbus_clk for DDR4 local_reset_req for QDR-IV local_reset_status for QDR-IV pll_ref_clk for QDR-IV pll_locked for QDR-IV oct for QDR-IV mem for QDR-IV status for QDR-IV afi_reset_n for QDR-IV afi_clk for QDR-IV afi_half_clk for QDR-IV afi for QDR-IV emif_usr_reset_n for QDR-IV emif_usr_clk for QDR-IV ctrl_amm for QDR-IV emif_calbus for QDR-IV emif_calbus_clk for QDR-IV
4.4.1. ctrlcfg0
4.4.2. ctrlcfg1
4.4.3. dramtiming0
4.4.4. sbcfg1
4.4.5. caltiming0
4.4.6. caltiming1
4.4.7. caltiming2
4.4.8. caltiming3
4.4.9. caltiming4
4.4.10. caltiming9
4.4.11. dramaddrw
4.4.12. sideband0
4.4.13. sideband1
4.4.14. sideband4
4.4.15. sideband6
4.4.16. sideband7
4.4.17. sideband9
4.4.18. sideband11
4.4.19. sideband12
4.4.20. sideband13
4.4.21. sideband14
4.4.22. dramsts
4.4.23. niosreserve0
4.4.24. niosreserve1
4.4.25. sideband16
4.4.26. ecc3: ECC Error and Interrupt Configuration
4.4.27. ecc4: Status and Error Information
4.4.28. ecc5: Address of Most Recent SBE/DBE
4.4.29. ecc6: Address of Most Recent Correction Command Dropped
4.4.30. ecc7: Extension for Address of Most Recent SBE/DBE
4.4.31. ecc8: Extension for Address of Most Recent Correction Command Dropped
6.1.1. Intel Agilex EMIF IP DDR4 Parameters: General
6.1.2. Intel Agilex EMIF IP DDR4 Parameters: Memory
6.1.3. Intel Agilex EMIF IP DDR4 Parameters: Mem I/O
6.1.4. Intel Agilex EMIF IP DDR4 Parameters: FPGA I/O
6.1.5. Intel Agilex EMIF IP DDR4 Parameters: Mem Timing
6.1.6. Intel Agilex EMIF IP DDR4 Parameters: Controller
6.1.7. Intel Agilex EMIF IP DDR4 Parameters: Diagnostics
6.1.8. Intel Agilex EMIF IP DDR4 Parameters: Example Designs
6.5.1. Terminations for DDR4 with Intel® Agilex™ Devices
6.5.2. Clamshell Topology
6.5.3. General Layout Routing Guidelines
6.5.4. Reference Stackup
6.5.5. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF-Specific Routing Guidelines for Various DDR4 Topologies
6.5.6. DDR4 Routing Guidelines: Discrete (Component) Topologies
6.5.7. Intel® Agilex™ EMIF Pin Swapping Guidelines One DIMM per Channel (1DPC) for UDIMM, RDIMM, LRDIMM, and SODIMM DDR4 Topologies Two DIMMs per Channel (2DPC) for UDIMM, RDIMM, and LRDIMM DDR4 Topologies Two DIMMs per Channel (2DPC) for SODIMM Topology Skew Matching Guidelines for DIMM Configurations Power Delivery Recommendations for the Memory / DIMM Side Single Rank x 8 Discrete (Component) Topology Single Rank x 16 Discrete (Component) Topology ADDR/CMD Reference Voltage/RESET Signal Routing Guidelines for Single Rank x 8 and R Rank x 16 Discrete (Component) Topologies Skew Matching Guidelines for DDR4 Discrete Configurations Power Delivery Recommendations for DDR4 Discrete Configurations
7.1.1. Intel Agilex EMIF IP QDR-IV Parameters: General
7.1.2. Intel Agilex EMIF IP QDR-IV Parameters: Memory
7.1.3. Intel Agilex EMIF IP QDR-IV Parameters: FPGA I/O
7.1.4. Intel Agilex EMIF IP QDR-IV Parameters: Mem Timing
7.1.5. Intel Agilex EMIF IP QDR-IV Parameters: Controller
7.1.6. Intel Agilex EMIF IP QDR-IV Parameters: Diagnostics
7.1.7. Intel Agilex EMIF IP QDR-IV Parameters: Example Designs Intel® Agilex™ FPGA EMIF IP Banks General Guidelines QDR IV SRAM Commands and Addresses, AP, and AINV Signals QDR IV SRAM Clock Signals QDR IV SRAM Data, DINV, and QVLD Signals Specific Pin Connection Requirements Resource Sharing Guidelines (Multiple Interfaces)
9.1. I/O Timing Closure Overview
9.2. Collateral Generated with Your EMIF IP
9.3. SPICE Decks
9.4. File Organization
9.5. Top-level Parameterization File
9.6. IP-Supplied Parameters that You Might Need to Override
9.7. Understanding the *_ip_parameters.dat File and Making a Mask Polygon
9.8. Multi-Rank Topology
9.9. Pin Parasitics
9.10. Mask Evaluation
10.4.1. Auto-Precharge Commands
10.4.2. Additive Latency
10.4.3. Bank Interleaving
10.4.4. Additive Latency and Bank Interleaving
10.4.5. User-Controlled Refresh
10.4.6. Frequency of Operation
10.4.7. Series of Reads or Writes
10.4.8. Data Reordering
10.4.9. Starvation Control
10.4.10. Command Reordering
10.4.11. Bandwidth
10.4.12. Enable Command Priority Control
10.4.13. Controller Pre-pay and Post-pay Refresh (DDR4 Only)
11.1. Interface Configuration Performance Issues
11.2. Functional Issue Evaluation
11.3. Timing Issue Characteristics
11.4. Verifying Memory IP Using the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer
11.5. Hardware Debugging Guidelines
11.6. Categorizing Hardware Issues
11.7. Debugging with the External Memory Interface Debug Toolkit
11.8. Using the Default Traffic Generator
11.9. Using the Configurable Traffic Generator (TG2)
11.10. EMIF On-Chip Debug Port
11.11. Efficiency Monitor
11.5.1. Create a Simplified Design that Demonstrates the Same Issue
11.5.2. Measure Power Distribution Network
11.5.3. Measure Signal Integrity and Setup and Hold Margin
11.5.4. Vary Voltage
11.5.5. Operate at a Lower Speed
11.5.6. Determine Whether the Issue Exists in Previous Versions of Software
11.5.7. Determine Whether the Issue Exists in the Current Version of Software
11.5.8. Try A Different PCB
11.5.9. Try Other Configurations
11.5.10. Debugging Checklist Memory Configuration Tab Calibration Tab Guidelines for Debugging Calibration Issues Calibration Report Tab Calibrate Termination Tab Vref Margining Tab Driver Margining Tab ISSPs Tab
Descriptions of ISSPs in the EMIF Design Example Pin Delay Settings Tab Debugging Calibration Failure Using Information from the Calibration report Debugging Address and Command Leveling Calibration Failure Debugging Address and Command Deskew Failure Debugging DQS Enable Failure Debugging Read Deskew Calibration Failure Debugging VREFIN Calibration Failure Debugging LFIFO Calibration Failure Debugging Write Leveling Failure Debugging Write Deskew Calibration Failure Debugging VREFOUT Calibration Failure
11.9.1. Enabling the Traffic Generator in a Design Example
11.9.2. Traffic Generator Block Description
11.9.3. Default Traffic Pattern
11.9.4. Configuration and Status Registers
11.9.5. User Pattern
11.9.6. Traffic Generator Status
11.9.7. Starting Traffic with the Traffic Generator
11.9.8. Traffic Generator Configuration User Interface
Visible to Intel only — GUID: wnd1572970651244
Ixiasoft ISSPs Tab
The ISSP tab lets you read probe data and set source values for the In-System Sources and Probes in the design.
To reread the probe data from the ISSPs in the design, expand the In-System Probes section and click the Update Probe Info button.
Figure 163. Displayed Probe Data

To reread the source data from the ISSPs in the design, expand the In-System Sources section and click the Update Source Info button.
Figure 164. Displayed Source Data

To overwrite the source data, select the Instance Name and change the Writedata value. The new source value is written when you click Write Source Info.
Descriptions of ISSPs in the EMIF Design Example
Instance name | Description |
PLLL | PLL Lock signal. A value of 1 means that the PLL is locked, a value of 0 means that the PLL cannot lock to the reference clock. |
RCNT | Total read data count. |
FCNT | Total fail count (data mismatch count). |
FADR | First address where a data mismatch is reported. |
RAVP | Read data valid from the data before the first failing address. |
RAVN | Read data valid from the data after the first failing address. |
PNF# | Persistent Pass Not Fail Flag. A 1 indicates pass, 0 indicates fail. |
FPN# | PNF flag for the first data mismatch. |
FEX# | The expected read data for the first failing read. |
FEP# | The expected read data before the first failing read. |
FEN# | The expected read data after the first failing read. |
ACT# | The actual read data for the first failing read. |
ACP# | The actual read data before the first failing read. |
ACN# | The actual read data after the first failing read. |
LRD# | The repeated read result. When there is an error, the driver reads again from the first failing address. This is the PNF flag for the repeated read. |
AVSC | Avalon Stall Count - a concatenation of the following three 32-bit signals (MSB to LSB):
PALP | Clock phase alignment lock status. |
PALS | Clock phase alignment lock (secondary).
Note: This is not used in Agilex FPGAs.
CALC | Calibration counter. Highest bit is a done signal — a value of 1 means that calibration has completed, and a value of 0 means that calibration is still in progress. The other 32 bits are a clock counter which tracks the number of clocks passed during calibration. |
TGP | Traffic Generator Pass Flag. Pass=1. |
TGF | Traffic Generator Fail Flag. Fail=1. |
TGT | Traffic Generator Timeout. Timeout=1. |
TGR | Traffic Generator Reset. Active High. Toggle TGR to rerun the traffic generator. |
RSTN | Global Reset for the design example. Active Low. Toggle RSTN to reset and recalibrate the interface. |
WORM | Set to 1 to enable WORM mode. In WORM mode, if a data mismatch is encountered, the system stops as much of the traffic as possible and issues a read to the same address. In this mode, the persistent PNF is no longer meaningful as execution stops at the first data mismatch. By default, WORM mode is turned off. |
PRTY | Indicates DDR4 memory parity status. A value of 0 indicates no error, and a value of 1 indicates an error. The value is not updated if the design is not DDR4, or if the AC Parity Latency parameter is disabled in the parameter editor. |