Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.6.1. Using Pipelined Transfers

Pipelined transfers increase the read efficiency by allowing a master to post multiple reads before data from an earlier read returns. Masters that support pipelined transfers post transfers continuously, relying on the readdatavalid signal to indicate valid data. Slaves support pipelined transfers by including the readdatavalid signal or operating with a fixed read latency.

AXI masters declare how many outstanding writes and reads it can issue with the writeIssuingCapability and readIssuingCapability parameters. In the same way, a slave can declare how many reads it can accept with the readAcceptanceCapability parameter. AXI masters with a read issuing capability greater than one are pipelined in the same way as Avalon® masters and the readdatavalid signal.