Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.7.4. Duration of Transfers Crossing Clock Domains

CDC logic extends the duration of master transfers across clock domain boundaries. In the worst case, which is for reads, each transfer is extended by five master clock cycles and five slave clock cycles. Assuming the default value of 2 for the master domain synchronizer length and the slave domain synchronizer length, the components of this delay are the following:

  • Four additional master clock cycles, due to the master-side clock synchronizer.
  • Four additional slave clock cycles, due to the slave-side clock synchronizer.
  • One additional clock in each direction, due to potential metastable events as the control signals cross clock domains.
Note: Systems that require a higher performance clock should use the Avalon® -MM clock crossing bridge instead of the automatically inserted CDC logic. The clock crossing bridge includes a buffering mechanism so that multiple reads and writes can be pipelined. After paying the initial penalty for the first read or write, there is no additional latency penalty for pending reads and writes, increasing throughput by up to four times, at the expense of added logic resources.