Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents Avoiding Speed Optimizations That Increase Logic

You can add an additional pipeline stage with a pipeline bridge between masters and slaves to reduce the amount of combinational logic between registers, which can increase system performance. If you can increase the fMAX of your design logic, you may be able to turn off the Intel® Quartus® Prime software optimization settings, such as the Perform register duplication setting. Register duplication creates duplicate registers in two or more physical locations in the FPGA to reduce register-to-register delays. You may also want to choose Speed for the optimization method, which typically results in higher logic utilization due to logic duplication. By making use of the registers or FIFOs available in the bridges, you can increase the design speed and avoid needless logic duplication or speed optimizations, thereby reducing the logic utilization of the design.