DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook

ID 683337
Date 12/12/2022

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13.1.5. Decimating CIC

The DecimatingCIC block implements a highly efficient multichannel CIC filter across a broad range of parameters directly from a Simulink model.The DecimatingCIC block performs filtering on a stream of multichannel input data and produces a stream of output data with decreased sampling frequency.

You can use the DecimatingCIC block in a digital down converter for a radio system or a general purpose DSP application. The coefficients and input data are fixed-point types, and the output is the implied full-precision fixed-point type. You can reduce the precision with a separate Scale block, which can perform rounding and saturation to provide the required output precision.

The DecimatingCIC block supports rate changes from two upwards.

The DecimatingCIC has a lower output sample rate than the input sample rate by a factor D, where D is the decimation factor. Usually, the DecimatingCIC discards (D–1) out of D output samples thus lowering the sample rate by a factor D. The physical implementation avoids performing additions leading to these discarded samples, reducing the filter cost.

Figure 99. Decimate by 5 Filter Decreasing Sample Rate of a Random Noise Input
Table 40.  Parameters for the DecimatingCIC Block
Parameter Description
Input rate per channel Specifies the sampling frequency of the input data per channel measured in millions of samples per second (MSPS).
Number of channels Specifies the number of unique channels to process.
Number of stages Specifies the number of comb and integrator stages.
Decimation factor Specifies the decimation factor 1/(integer). (An integer greater than 1 implies interpolation.)
Differential delay Specifies the differential delay.
Table 41.  Port Interface for the DecimatingCIC Block
Signal Direction Description
a Input The fixed-point data input to the block. If you request more channels than can fit on a single bus, this signal is a vector. The width in bits is inherited from the input wire.
v Input Indicates validity of the data input signals. If v is high, the data on the a wire is valid.
c Input Indicates channel of data input signals. If v is high, c indicates which channel the data corresponds to.
bypass Input When this input asserts, the input data is zero-stuffed and scaled by the gain of the filter, which is useful during hardware debugging.
q Output The data output from the block. If you request more channels than can fit on a single bus, this signal is a vector. The width in bits is a function of the input width in bits and the parameterization.
v Output Indicates validity of data output signals.
c Output Indicates channel of data output signals.