Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683230
Date 11/12/2018
Document Table of Contents

3.5.1. Displaying Timing Closure Recommendations for Failing Paths

Use the Timing Closure Recommendations report to get specific recommendations about failing paths in your design and changes that you can make to potentially fix the failing paths.
  1. In the Tasks pane of the Timing Analyzer, select the Report Timing Closure Recommendations task to open the Report Timing Closure Recommendations dialog box.
  2. Select paths based on the clock domain, filter by nodes on path, and choose the number of paths to analyze.
  3. After running the Report Timing Closure Recommendations task in the Timing Analyzer, examine the reports in the Report Timing Closure Recommendations folder in the Report pane of the Timing Analyzer GUI. Each recommendation has star symbols (*) associated with it. Recommendations with more stars are more likely to help you close timing on your design.

The reports give you the most probable causes of failure for each analyzed path, and show recommendations that may help you fix the failing paths.

The reports are organized into sections, depending on the type of issues found in the design, such as large clock skew, restricted optimizations, unbalanced logic, skipped optimizations, coding style that has too many levels of logic between registers, or region or partition constraints specific to your project.

For detailed analysis of the critical paths, run the report_timing command on specified paths. In the Extra Fitter Information tab of the Path report panel, you can see detailed fitter-related information that may help you visualize the issue.