Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683230
Date 11/12/2018
Document Table of Contents

7.1.1. Performance Preservation

You can preserve the results of previous design optimizations when you make changes to an existing design with one of the following methods:
  • Incremental compilation
  • Rapid recompile
  • ECOs

Choose the method to modify your design based on the scope of the change. The methods above are arranged from the larger scale change to the smallest targeted change to a compiled design.

The incremental compilation feature allows you to preserve compilation results at an RTL component or module level. After the initial compilation of your design, you can assign modules in your design hierarchy to partitions. Upon subsequent compilations, incremental compilation recompiles changed partitions based on the chosen preservation levels.

The rapid recompilation feature leverages results from the latest post-fit netlist to determine the changes required to honor modifications you have made to the source code. If you run a rapid recompilation, the Compiler refits only changed portion of the netlist.

ECOs provide a finer granularity of control compared to the incremental compilation and the rapid recompilation feature. All modifications are performed directly on the architectural elements of the device. You should use ECOs for targeted changes to the post-fit netlist.

Note: In the Intel® Quartus® Prime software versions 10.0 and later, the software does not preserve ECO modifications to the netlist when you recompile a design with the incremental compilation feature turned on. You can reapply ECO changes made during a previous compilation with the Change Manager.