External Memory Interfaces Intel® Arria® 10 FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683106
Date 12/19/2023

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6.1.3. Intel Arria 10 EMIF IP DDR3 Parameters: Memory

Table 194.  Group: Memory / Topology
Display Name Description
Memory format Specifies the format of the external memory device. The following formats are supported: Component - a Discrete memory device; UDIMM - Unregistered/Unbuffered DIMM where address/control, clock, and data are unbuffered; RDIMM - Registered DIMM where address/control and clock are buffered; SODIMM - Small Outline DIMM is similar to UDIMM but smaller in size and is typically used for systems with limited space. Some memory protocols may not be available in all formats. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_FORMAT_ENUM)
DQ width Specifies the total number of data pins in the interface. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_DQ_WIDTH)
DQ pins per DQS group Specifies the total number of DQ pins per DQS group. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_DQ_PER_DQS)
Number of clocks Specifies the number of CK/CK# clock pairs exposed by the memory interface. Usually more than 1 pair is required for RDIMM/LRDIMM formats. The value of this parameter depends on the memory device selected; refer to the data sheet for your memory device. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_CK_WIDTH)
Number of chip selects Specifies the total number of chip selects in the interface, up to a maximum of 4. This parameter applies to discrete components only. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_DISCRETE_CS_WIDTH)
Number of DIMMs Total number of DIMMs. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_NUM_OF_DIMMS)
Number of physical ranks per DIMM Number of ranks per DIMM. For LRDIMM, this represents the number of physical ranks on the DIMM behind the memory buffer (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_RANKS_PER_DIMM)
Row address width Specifies the number of row address pins. Refer to the data sheet for your memory device. The density of the selected memory device determines the number of address pins needed for access to all available rows. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_ROW_ADDR_WIDTH)
Column address width Specifies the number of column address pins. Refer to the data sheet for your memory device. The density of the selected memory device determines the number of address pins needed for access to all available columns. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_COL_ADDR_WIDTH)
Bank address width Specifies the number of bank address pins. Refer to the data sheet for your memory device. The density of the selected memory device determines the number of bank address pins needed for access to all available banks. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_BANK_ADDR_WIDTH)
Enable DM pins Indicates whether the interface uses data mask (DM) pins. This feature allows specified portions of the data bus to be written to memory (not available in x4 mode). One DM pin exists per DQS group. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_DM_EN)
Enable address mirroring for odd chip-selects Enabling address mirroring for multi-CS discrete components. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_DISCRETE_MIRROR_ADDRESSING_EN)
Enable address mirroring for odd ranks Enabling address mirroring for dual-rank or quad-rank DIMM. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_MIRROR_ADDRESSING_EN)
ALERT# pin placement Specifies placement for the mem_alert_n signal. You can select "I/O Lane with Address/Command Pins" or "I/O Lane with DQS Group". If you select "I/O Lane with DQS Group", you can specify the DQS group with which to place the mem_alert_n pin. For optimum signal integrity, you should choose "I/O Lane with Address/Command Pins". For interfaces containing multiple memory devices, it is recommended to connect the ALERT# pins together to the ALERT# pin on the FPGA. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_ALERT_N_PLACEMENT_ENUM)
DQS group of ALERT# Select the DQS group with which the ALERT# pin is placed. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_ALERT_N_DQS_GROUP)
Table 195.  Group: Memory / Latency and Burst
Display Name Description
Memory CAS latency setting Specifies the number of clock cycles between the read command and the availability of the first bit of output data at the memory device. Overall read latency equals the additive latency (AL) + the CAS latency (CL). Overall read latency depends on the memory device selected; refer to the datasheet for your device. (Identifier: MEM_DDR3_TCL)
Memory write CAS latency setting