Visible to Intel only — GUID: wdm1481130013106
Visible to Intel only — GUID: wdm1481130013106
Ixiasoft Registers Locked Out Pending Command Acceptance
- Command (cmd)†
- Command argument (cmdarg)†
- Byte count (bytcnt)†
- Block size (blksiz)†
- Clock divider (clkdiv)†
- Clock enable (clkena)†
- Clock source (clksrc)†
- Timeout (tmout)†
- Card type (ctype)†
The hardware resets the start_cmd bit after the CIU accepts the command. If a host write to any of these registers is attempted during this locked time, the write is ignored and the hardware lock write error bit (hle) is set to 1 in the raw interrupt status register (rintsts). Additionally, if the interrupt is enabled and not masked for a hardware lock error, an interrupt is sent to the host.†
Once a command is accepted, you can send another command to the CIU—which has a one‑deep command queue—under the following conditions:†
- If the previous command is not a data transfer command, the new command is sent to the SD/MMC/CE‑ATA card once the previous command completes.†
- If the previous command is a data transfer command and if the wait previous data complete bit (wait_prvdata_complete) of the cmd register is set to 1 for the new command, the new command is sent to the SD/MMC/CE‑ATA card only when the data transfer completes.†
- If the wait_prvdata_complete bit is 0, the new command is sent to the SD/MMC/CE‑ATA card as soon as the previous command is sent. Typically, use this feature to stop or abort a previous data transfer or query the card status in the middle of a data transfer.†