Stratix® 10 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683222
Date 8/15/2024
Document Table of Contents Internal DMA Controller Interrupts

Interrupts can be generated as a result of various events. The idsts register contains all the bits that might cause an interrupt. The internal DMA controller interrupt enable register (idinten) contains an enable bit for each of the events that can cause an interrupt to occur.

There are two summary interrupts—the normal interrupt summary bit (nis) and the abnormal interrupt summary bit (ais)—in the idsts register. The nis bit results from a logical OR of the transmit interrupt (ti) and receive interrupt (ri) bits in the idsts register. The ais bit is a logical OR result of the fatal bus error interrupt (fbe), descriptor unavailable interrupt (du), and card error summary interrupt (ces) bits in the idsts register.

Interrupts are cleared by writing a 1 to the corresponding bit position. If a 0 is written to an interrupt’s bit position, the write is ignored, and does not clear the interrupt. When all the enabled interrupts within a group are cleared, the corresponding summary bit is set to 0. When both the summary bits are set to 0, the interrupt signal is de‑asserted.

Interrupts are not queued. If another interrupt event occurs before the driver has responded to the previous interrupt, no additional interrupts are generated. For example, the ri bit of the idsts register indicates that one or more data has been transferred to the host buffer.

An interrupt is generated only once for simultaneous, multiple events. The driver must scan the idsts register for the interrupt cause. The final interrupt signal from the controller is a logical OR of the interrupts from the BIU and internal DMA controller.