Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.6. System Console Commands

The console commands enable testing. Use console commands to identify a service by its path, and to open and close the connection. The path that identifies a service is the first argument to most System Console commands.

To initiate a service connection, do the following:
  1. Identify a service by specifying its path with the get_service_paths command.
  2. Open a connection to the service with the claim_service command.
  3. Use Tcl and System Console commands to test the connected device.
  4. Close a connection to the service with the close_service command
Note: For all Tcl commands, the <format> argument must come first.
Table 5.  System Console Commands




get_service_types N/A Returns a list of service types that System Console manages. Examples of service types include master, bytestream, processor, sld, jtag_debug, device, and design.
  • <service-type>
  • <device>—Returns services in the same specified device. The argument can be a device or another service in the device.
  • <hpath>—Returns services whose hpath starts with the specified prefix.
  • <type>—Returns services whose debug type matches this value. Particularly useful when opening slave services.
  • <type>—Returns services on the same development boards as the argument. Specify a board service, or any other service on the same board.
Allows you to filter the services which are returned.
  • <service-type>
  • <service-path>
  • <claim-group>
  • <claims>

Provides finer control of the portion of a service you want to use.

claim_service returns a new path which represents a use of that service. Each use is independent. Calling claim_service multiple times returns different values each time, but each allows access to the service until closed.

  • <service-type>
  • <service-path>

Closes the specified service type at the specified path.

  • <service-type>
  • <service-type>

Returns 1 if the service type provided by the path is open, 0 if the service type is closed.

get_services_to_add N/A

Returns a list of all services that are instantiable with the add_service command.

  • <service-type>
  • <instance-name>
  • optional-parameters

Adds a service of the specified service type with the given instance name. Run get_services_to_add to retrieve a list of instantiable services. This command returns the path where the service was added.

Run help add_service <service-type> to get specific help about that service type, including any parameters that might be required for that service.

add_service gdbserver
  • <Processor Service>
  • <port number>

Instantiates a gdbserver.

add_service tcp
  • <instance name>
  • <ip_addr>
  • <port_number>

Allows you to connect to a TCP/IP port that provides a debug link over ethernet. See AN693 (Remote Hardware Debugging over TCP/IP for Intel FPGA SoC) for more information.

add_service transceiver_channel_rx
  • <data_pattern_checker>
  • <path>
  • <transceiver path>
  • <transceiver channel address>
  • <reconfig path>
  • <reconfig channel address>

Instantiates a Transceiver Toolkit receiver channel.

add_service transceiver_channel_tx
  • <data_pattern_generator>
  • <path>
  • <transceiver path>
  • <transceiver channel address>
  • <reconfig path>
  • <reconfig channel address>

Instantiates a Transceiver Toolkit transmitter channel.

add_service transceiver_debug_link
  • <transceiver_channel_tx path>
  • <transceiver_channel_rx path>

Instantiates a Transceiver Toolkit debug link.



Returns the current System Console version and build number.

  • <claim>

For the given claim group, returns a list of services claimed. The returned list consists of pairs of paths and service types. Each pair is one claimed service.



Scans for available hardware and updates the available service paths if there have been any changes.

  • <level>
  • <message>

Sends a message of the given level to the message window. Available levels are info, warning, error, and debug.