Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
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5.3.10. Manage Multiple Signal Tap Files and Configurations

You can debug different blocks in your design by grouping related monitoring signals. Likewise, you can use a group of signals to define multiple trigger conditions. Each combination of signals, capture settings, and trigger conditions determines a debug configuration, and one configuration can have zero or more associated data logs.

Signal Tap Logic Analyzer allows you to save debug configurations in more than one .stp file. Alternatively, you can embed multiple configurations within the same .stp file, and use the Data Log as a managing tool.

Note: Each .stp file is associated with a programming (.sof) file. To function correctly, the settings in the .stp file you use at runtime must match Signal Tap settings in the .sof file you use to program the device.