DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook

ID 683337
Date 7/15/2024

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14.3.10. Floating-Point Twiddle Generator (TwiddleGenF) (Deprecated)

The TwiddleGenF block is the floating-point version of the fixed-point TwiddleGenC block. The TwiddleGenF block generates the appropriate complex coefficients that multiply the streaming data in a radix-22 streaming FFT or IFFT architecture.
Table 118.  Parameters for the TwiddleGenC Block
Parameter Description
FFT type Specifies whether to generate twiddle factors for an FFT or an IFFT.
Twiddle type Specifies the floating-point type used for the twiddle factors.
Table 119.  Port Interface for the TwiddleGenF Block
Signal Direction Type Description
counter Input Unsigned integer Counter signal.
w Output Complex floating-point type Complex data output.