DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook

ID 683337
Date 7/15/2024
Document Table of Contents

14.3.2. Bit Vector Combine (BitVectorCombine)

The BitVectorCombine block concatenates a vector of bits to form a scalar. The scalar is an unsigned integer of the appropriate width. The first element of the vector becomes the least significant bit of the scalar (little-endian ordering).

Use the BitVectorCombine block to recombine scalars that the SplitScalar block splits.

Table 104.  Parameters for the BitVectorCombine Block
Parameter Description
Width Width of the input vector (and the output scalar).
Table 105.  Port Interface for the BitVectorCombine Block
Signal Direction Type Description
d Input Boolean vector. Data input.
q Output Unsigned integer. Data output.