Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683329
Date 8/08/2022

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24.2. Mixer IP Parameters

The Mixer IP offers run-time and compile-time parameters.
Table 331.  Mixer IP Parameters
Parameter Value Description
Video data format
Lite mode On or off Turn on to use the lite variant of the Intel FPGA Streaming Video protocol.
Bits per color sample 8 to 16 Select the number of bits per color sample.
Number of color planes 1 to 4 Select the number of pixels transmitted every clock cycle at the input interface.
Number of pixels in parallel 1 to 8 Select the number of pixels transmitted every clock cycle at the output interface.
Control settings
Memory-mapped control interface On or off Turn on to enable the Avalon memory-mapped control agent interface and allow runtime configuration via the register map. You must have the Avalon memory-mapped control agent interface if you turn on Lite mode.
Algorithm settings
Number of layers 2 to 8 Total number of mixers layers, including the base layer (layer 0).
Do rounding On or off Turn on to apply round-half-up logic at the end of the alpha blending mathematics for each layer. If this feature is not enabled then all fraction bits are cropped without rounding.
Layer 1: Use restricted offsets On or off Turn on for the restricted offsets for mixer layer 1.
Layer 1: Alpha blending mode No blending, Alpha from command, Alpha from data, Alpha from command or data Set the alpha blending mode for mixer layer 1.
Layer 2: Use restricted offsets On or off Turn on for the restricted offsets for mixer layer 2.
Layer 2: Alpha blending mode No blending, Alpha from command, Alpha from data, Alpha from command or data Set the alpha blending mode for mixer layer 2.
Layer 3: Use restricted offsets On or off Turn on for the restricted offsets for mixer layer 3.
Layer 3: Alpha blending mode No blending, Alpha from command, Alpha from data, Alpha from command or data Set the alpha blending mode for mixer layer 3.
Layer 4: Use restricted offsets On or off Turn on for the restricted offsets for mixer layer 4.
Layer 4: Alpha blending mode No blending, Alpha from command, Alpha from data, Alpha from command or data Set the alpha blending mode for mixer layer 4.
Layer 5: Use restricted offsets On or off Turn on for the restricted offsets for mixer layer 5.
Layer 5: Alpha blending mode No blending, Alpha from command, Alpha from data, Alpha from command or data Set the alpha blending mode for mixer layer 5.
Layer 6: Use restricted offsets On or off Turn on for the restricted offsets for mixer layer 6.
Layer 6: Alpha blending mode No blending, Alpha from command, Alpha from data, Alpha from command or data Set the alpha blending mode for mixer layer 6.
Layer 7: Use restricted offsets On or off Turn on for the restricted offsets for mixer layer 7.
Layer 7: Alpha blending mode No blending, Alpha from command, Alpha from data, Alpha from command or data Set the alpha blending mode for mixer layer 7.
Extra pipeline level 0 to 3 Set the number of additional register stages to add the pipeline.
Debug features On or off Turn on for readback of writeable registers via the control agent interface.
Separate clock for control interface On or off Turn on for a separate clock for the control agent interface.