Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683329
Date 8/08/2022

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23.2. Guard Bands IP Parameters

Parameter Values Description
Video Data Format
Bits per color sample 8 to 16 Select the number of bits per color sample.
Number of color planes 1 to 4 Select the number of color planes per pixel.
Number of pixels in parallel 1 to 8 Select the number of pixels in parallel.
4:2:2 data On or off Turn on to indicate that the input data is 4:2:2 sampled.
Signed input data On or off Turn on to indicate that the input data is signed 2’s complement numbers.
Signed output data On or off Turn on to indicate that the output data is signed 2’s complement numbers.
Lite mode On or off Turn on to use the lite variant of the Intel FPGA streaming video protocol.
Memory-mapped control interface On or off Turn on to specify guard bands values at run-time using the Avalon memory-mapped interface.
Separate clock for control interface On or off Turn on to enable a separate clock for the control interface.
Debug features On or off Turn on for debugging features (not applicable when you turn on Lite mode).
Guard Bands
Lower/Upper guard band for color <0–3> 0 to (Bits per color sample)-1

These parameters define the guard bands for each color plane (up to 4 colors per pixel). Color 0 is in the LSBs of the AXI-streaming video data bus.

If you turn on Memory-mapped control interface, the IP does not use these values and you must write their value using Avalon memory-mapped interface.