Visible to Intel only — GUID: qxm1641479995382
Visible to Intel only — GUID: qxm1641479995382
15.5. Color Space Converter IP Software API
Register definition header file: intel_vvp_csc_regs.h
Include file: intel_vvp_csc.h
Name | Description |
intel_vvp_csc_init | Initialize the Color Space Converter instance |
Intel_vvp_core_* | Accessors defined in Video and Vision Processing IPs Software Programming Model. Writable when Lite is on. Readable when Lite is off and Debug features is on. |
intel_vvp_csc_get_lite_mode | Returns if Lite mode is on |
intel_vvp_csc_get_debug_enabled | Returns if Debug features is on |
Returns the number of input bits per color sample |
Returns the number of output bits per color sample |
intel_vvp_csc_are_coeffs_signed | Returns if the nine coefficients have a sign bit and can be negative |
Returns the number of integer bits (excluding sign bit) available to quantize coefficients |
intel_vvp_csc_are_summands_signed | Returns if the three summands have a sign bit and can be negative |
Returns the number of integer bits (excluding sign bit) available to quantize summands |
Returns the number of fractional bits available to quantize both coefficients and summands |
intel_vvp_csc_get_binary_point_right_move | Returns the fixed scaling factor applied to values at the output of the IP |
intel_vvp_csc_get_rounding_method | Returns the method used to convert floating-point values back to integer values at the output of the IP |
intel_vvp_csc_is_running | Returns if the IP is currently processing video data |
intel_vvp_csc_get_commit_status | Returns if there are uncommitted writes |
intel_vvp_csc_get_status | Reads the status register |
intel_vvp_csc_set_quantized_coeff_data | Program the IP with a new set of quantized coefficients/summands |
intel_vvp_csc_get_quantized_coeff_data | Retrieve the set of quantized coefficients/summands programmed into the IP |
intel_vvp_csc_set_coeff_data | Program the IP with a new set of floating-point coefficients/summands |
intel_vvp_csc_get_coeff_data | Retrieve the set of floating-point coefficients/summands programmed into the IP |
intel_vvp_csc_set_output_color_space | Selects the current output color space (full mode) |
intel_vvp_csc_get_output_color_space | Returns the current output color space (full mode) |
intel_vvp_csc_commit_writes | Commit all outstanding writes |
enum eIntelVvpCscRounding
- Members
kIntelVvpCscRoundUp (1) – Rounding up (half up towards positive infinity)
kIntelVvpCscRoundHalfEven (2) – Rounding half to even (bankers’ rounding)
kIntelVvpCscRoundTruncate (3) – Truncation (no rounding)
kIntelVvpCscRoundInvalid (-1) – Invalid rounding method (used to indicate errors)
- Description
Enumeration for the rounding method used by the IP
enum eIntelVvpCscColorSpace
- Members
kIntelVvpCsRgb (0) – Rounding up (half up towards positive infinity)
kIntelVvpCsYcc (1) – Rounding half to even (bankers’ rounding)
kIntelVvpCsMono (2) – Truncation (no rounding)
kIntelVvpCscRoundInvalid (-1) – Invalid rounding method (used to indicate errors)
- Description
Enumeration for the rounding method used by the IP
struct intel_vvp_coefficients
- Members
struct { float c1; float c2; float c3; } coeffs[3]; – Matrix of 9 coefficients
float s[3] – Vector of 3 summands
- Description
The coefficients and summands as floating-point values
struct intel_vvp_quantized_coefficients
- Members
struct { int32_t c1; int32_t c2; int32_t c3; } coeffs[3]; – Matrix of 9 coefficients
int32_t s[3] – Vector of 3 summands
- Description
The coefficients and summands as quantized integer values
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_csc_init(intel_vvp_csc_instance *instance, intel_vvp_core_base base);
- Description
Initializes a Color Space Converter instance. The initialization stops early if the vendor ID or product ID read at the base address are not a match or if the register map version is not supported. Otherwise, the function proceeds to read and store the IP compile-time parameterization. The instance does not fully initialized and should not be used further by the application if returning a non-zero error code.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
base – base address of the register map
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) in case of success, a negative error code in case of error
kIntelVvpCoreVidErr if the vendor id of the core is not the IntelFPGA vendor ID (0x6AF7).
kIntelVvpCorePidErr if the product_id does not match with the Color Space Converter product ID
kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is a null pointer
kIntelVvpCrsRegMapVersionErr if the register map is not supported
- Prototype
bool intel_vvp_csc_get_lite_mode(intel_vvp_csc_instance *instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the LITE_MODE register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
true if the IP is parameterized in lite mode
- Prototype
bool intel_vvp_csc_get_debug_enabled(intel_vvp_csc_instance *instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the DEBUG_ENABLED register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
true if the IP is parameterized with debug features enabled
- Prototype
uint8_t intel_vvp_csc_get_bits_per_sample_in(intel_vvp_csc_instance *instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the BPS_IN register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
the input bits per sample parameter used to generate the IP.
- Prototype
uint8_t intel_vvp_csc_get_bits_per_sample_out(intel_vvp_csc_instance *instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the BPS_OUT register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
the output bits per sample parameter used to generate the IP.
- Prototype
bool intel_vvp_csc_are_coeffs_signed(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the COEFFS_SIGNED register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
If signed coefficients have been allowed at IP generation time.
- Prototype
uint8_t intel_vvp_csc_get_coeffs_int_bits (intel_vvp_csc_instance *instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the COEFFS_INT_BITS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
the number of integer bits set at IP generation time to parameterize the quantization of the coefficients
- Prototype
bool intel_vvp_csc_are_summands_signed(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the SUMMANDS_SIGNED register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
If signed summands have been allowed at IP generation time.
- Prototype
uint8_t intel_vvp_csc_get_summands_int_bits (intel_vvp_csc_instance *instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the SUMMANDS_INT_BITS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
the number of integer bits set at IP generation time to parameterize the quantization of the summands
- Prototype
uint8_t intel_vvp_csc_get_coeffs_frac_bits (intel_vvp_csc_instance *instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the FRAC_BITS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
the number of fractional bits set at IP generation time to parameterize the quantization of the coefficients and summands
- Prototype
int8_t intel_vvp_csc_get_binary_point_right_move(intel_vvp_csc_instance *instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the BINARY_POINT_RIGHT_MOVE register. The fixed scaling factor applied to the IP output samples and selected at IP generation time. Output values are scaled by 2^(binary_point_right_move). This is usually done to account for differences between bps_in and bps_out. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
The binary_point_right_move value selected at generation time
- Prototype
eIntelVvpCscRounding intel_vvp_csc_get_rounding_method(intel_vvp_csc_instance *instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the ROUND_METHOD register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized. This is the method to convert fixed-point values to integer values at the end of the CSC processing.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
The IP rounding method.
- Prototype
bool intel_vvp_csc_is_running(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance);
- Description
Reads and returns the running bit of the STATUS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
True is the IP is currently receiving/storing an input field, false when between two input fields
- Prototype
bool intel_vvp_csc_get_commit_status(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance);
- Description
Reads and returns the commit pending bit of the STATUS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized and configured in full mode.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
True is the IP is configured in full mode and if the agent interface contains uncommitted writes.
- Prototype
uint32_t intel_vvp_csc_get_status(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance);
- Description
Reads the STATUS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
The content of the STATUS register
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_csc_set_quantized_coeff_data(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance, const intel_vvp_quantized_coefficients* quantized_coeffs);
- Description
Programs the IP with the set of coefficients and summands. The call checks for correctness of the quantized values and returns an error if invalid bits are set. Sign extension to the full 32 bit range is accepted. Quantization errors do not prevent the coefficients from being updated
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
quantized_coeffs – pointer to the structure containing the 9 quantized coefficients and summands
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk in case of success, negative error code otherwise
kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is invalid
kIntelVvpCoreNullPtrErr if quantized_coeffs is a NULL pointer
kIntelVvpCscQuantizationErr if the quantized coefficients/summands are out-of-range
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_csc_get_quantized_coeff_data(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance, intel_vvp_quantized_coefficients* quantized_coeffs)
- Description
Reads and returns the current set of coefficients programmed in the IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized and configured with debug enabled.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
quantized_coeffs – storage space to return the quantized coefficients
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk or a negative error code in case of error
kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr, if the instance is invalid
kIntelVvpCoreNullPtrErr, if quantized_coeffs is the NULL pointer
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_csc_set_coeff_data(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance, const intel_vvp_coefficients* coeffs, int summand_rescale);
- Description
Programs the IP with the set of coefficients and summands. The call quantizes the user-defined floating-point coefficients and returns an error if values are out-of-range. Quantization errors do not prevent the coefficients from being updated
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
coeffs – pointer to the structure containing the 9 floating-point coefficients and 3 summands
summand_rescale – scaling factor (2^summand_rescale) applied to the input summand values. Non-zero values are typically used when using a ready-made conversion table designed for a number of bits per color sample that does not match with the input bits per sample value used to parameterize the IP
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk in case of success, negative error code otherwise
kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is invalid
kIntelVvpCoreNullPtrErr if coeffs is a NULL pointer
kIntelVvpCscQuantizationErr if the coefficients/summands are out-of-range and cannot be quantized accurately
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_csc_get_coeff_data(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance, intel_vvp_coefficients* coeffs)
- Description
Reads and returns the current set of coefficients programmed in the IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized and configured with debug enabled. Coefficients are converted back to floating-point values before being returned.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
coeffs – storage space to return the floating-point coefficients
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk or a negative error code in case of error
kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr, if the instance is invalid
kIntelVvpCoreNullPtrErr, if coeffs is the NULL pointer
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_csc_set_output_colorspace(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance, int8_t output_color_space);
- Description
Writes the required output colorspace to the OUTPUT_CS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized and configured in full mode.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
output_color_space – a colorspace code
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk or a negative error code in case of error
kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr, if the instance is invalid
kIntelVvpCrsParamErr, if the output colorspace is invalid (<0)
- Prototype
int8_t intel_vvp_csc_get_output_colorspace(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance);
- Description
Reads the OUTPUT_CS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_csc_instance fully initialized and configured in full mode with debug enabled.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
the last value written to the OUTPUT_CS register, negative value in case of errors
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_csc_commit_writes(intel_vvp_csc_instance* instance)
- Description
Commits all pending writes before processing the next field. The instance must be valid and parameterized in full mode.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_csc_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) for success, negative error code otherwise