Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683329
Date 8/08/2022

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18.5. Frame Cleaner IP Registers

Each register is either read-only (RO) or read-write (RW).
Table 241.  Frame Cleaner IP Control Registers

In the software API these register names appear with a prefix of INTEL_VVP, INTEL_VVP_CORE or INTEL_VVP_CLEANER as appropriate and with an optional REG suffix

Address Register Access Description
Parameterization Registers
0x0000 PROD_ID RO

Read this register to retrieve the frame cleaner product ID.

This register always returns 0x0000_023E.

0x0004 VER RO

Read this register to retrieve the version information for the Intel Quartus release that Intel used to build the frame cleaner.


Read this register to determine if lite mode is on.

This register returns 1 if lite mode is on and 0 if lite mode is off


Read this register to determine if you turn on Debug features.

This register returns 1 if you turn on Debug features and 0 otherwise


Read this register to determine if the custom resolution guard bands are on.

This register returns 1 if custom resolution guard bands are on, and 0 otherwise

0x0014 MIN_WIDTH RO Read this register to determine the minimum supported field width
0x0018 MAX_WIDTH RO Read this register to determine the maximum supported field width
0x001C MIN_HEIGHT RO Read this register to determine the minimum supported field height
0x0020 MAX_HEIGHT RO Read this register to determine the maximum supported field height
0x0024 to 0x011F unused
Table 242.  Control and debugging registers

Refer to Image Information Control Packets in the Intel FPGA Streaming Video Protocol Specification, for more details of these registers

Address Register Access 45 Description
Lite Full

When you turn on lite, use this register to set the expected width of incoming video fields.

When you turn off lite and turn on Debug features, this register returns the width that the frame cleaner derives from information in the image information control packet.


When you turn on lite, use this register to set the expected height of incoming video fields.

When you turn off lite and turn on Debug features, this register returns the height that the frame cleaner derives from information in the image information control packet.

0x0128 IMG_INFO_INTERLACE - RO When you turn off lite and turn on Debug features, this register returns the interlace nibble that the frame cleaner derives from information in the image information control packet. Unused in lite mode.
0x012C Reserved - - Reserved
0x0130 IMG_INFO_COLORSPACE - RO When you turn off lite and turn on Debug features, this register returns the color space that the frame cleaner derives from information in the image information control packet. Unused in lite mode.
0x0134 IMG_INFO_SUBSAMPLING - RO When you turn off lite and turn on Debug features, this register returns the subsampling that the frame cleaner derives from information in the image information control packet. Unused in lite mode.
0x0138 IMG_INFO_COSITING - RO When you turn off lite and turn on Debug features, this register returns the cositing that the frame cleaner derives from information in the image information control packet. Unused in lite mode.
0x013C IMG_INFO_FIELD_COUNT - RO When you turn off lite and turn on Debug features, this register returns the field count that the frame cleaner derives from information in the image information control packet. Unused in lite mode.
0x0138 to 0x013C unused
0x0140 STATUS RO  

Bit 0 : Status bit.

1 = frame cleaner is processing a video field, 0 otherwise. For other bits, see Table 21



RO   When you turn off lite and turn on Debug features, reads to this register return the field number value from the most recently received end of field control packet.
0x0148 FIELD_COUNT RO   When you turn on Debug features, reads to this register return the total number of fields received since the debug counts were last reset.
0x014C CLIPPED_FIELD_COUNT RO   When you turn on Debug features, reads to this register return the number of fields that have been clipped to match their expected size since the debug counts were last reset.
0x0150 PADDED_FIELD_COUNT RO   When you turn on Debug features, reads to this register return the number of fields that have been padded to match their expected size since the debug counts were last reset.
0x0154 PREV_FIELD_LINE_COUNT RO   When you turn on Debug features, reads to this register return the number of lines in the most recently completed field.
0x0158 PREV_FIELD_LINE_WIDTH RO   When you turn on Debug features, reads to this register return the number of pixels in the final line of the most recently completed field.
0x015C DEBUG_RESET RW   Write any value to this register to reset all debug counts to 0.

Register Bit Descriptions

Table 243.  PROD_ID
Name Bits Description
Frame cleaner product ID 31:0 This register always returns 0x0000_023E.
Table 244.  VER
Name Bits Description
Register map version 7:0 Register map version, returns 0x01.
Unused 15:8 Unused. Returns 0x04
QPDS minor revision 23:16 Updated for each release. For 22.2, returns 0x02
QPDS major revision 31:24 Updated for each release. For 22.2, returns 0x16.
Table 245.  LITE_MODE
Name Bits Description
Lite mode parameterization bit 31:0 Returns 1 if lite mode is on and 0 otherwise
Name Bits Description
Debug features parameterization bit 31:0 Returns 1 if debug features is on and 0 otherwise
Name Bits Description
Use custom min max 31:0 Returns 1 if custom minimum and maximum resolution checks are enabled
Table 248.  MIN_WIDTH
Name Bits Description
Min width 31:0 Minimum output field width
Table 249.  MAX_WIDTH
Name Bits Description
Max width 31:0 Maximum output field width
Table 250.  MIN_HEIGHT
Name Bits Description
Min height 31:0 Minimum output field height

Table 251.  MAX_HEIGHT
Name Bits Description
Max height 31:0 Maximum output field height
Table 252.   IMG_INFO_WIDTH
Name Bits Description
Width bits 15:0

For lite parameterizations, write to this register to set the expected width of the incoming video fields.

For full parameterizations with debug features enabled, this register returns the width-1 field from the most recently received image information packet and adds 1 to return a value for width.

unused 31:16 Unused.
Name Bits Description
Height bits 15:0

For lite parameterizations, write to this register to set the expected height of the incoming video fields.

For full parameterizations with debug features enabled, this register reads the height-1 field from the most recently received image information packet and adds 1 to return a value for height.

unused 31:16 Unused.
Name Bits Description
IntlaceNibble bits 3:0

For lite parameterizations, this register has no function.

For full parameterizations with debug features enabled, this register returns the intlaceNibble field from the most recently received image information packet .

unused 31:4 Unused.
Name Bits Description
CSP code bits 6:0

For lite parameterizations, this register has no function.

For full parameterizations with debug features enabled, this register returns the 7 bit CSP field from the most recently received image information packet .

unused 31:7 Unused.
Name Bits Description
SubSa code bits 1:0

For lite parameterizations this register has no function.

For full parameterizations with debug features enabled, this register returns the SUBSA field from the most recently received image information packet.

unused 31:2 Unused.
Name Bits Description
Cosite code bits 1:0

For lite parameterizations, this register has no function.

For full parameterizations with debug features enabled, this register returns the COSITE field from the most recently received image information packet.

unused 31:2 Unused.
Name Bits Description
Count bits 6:0

For lite parameterizations, this register has no function.

For full parameterizations with debug features enabled, this register returns the 7 bit FIELD_COUNT field from the most recently received image information packet.

unused 31:7 Unused.
Table 259.  STATUS
Name Bits Description
Status bit 0 1 = frame cleaner is processing a video field, 0 otherwise.
Field clipping bit 1 1 = current field is being clipped, 0 otherwise
Field padding bit 2 1 = current field is being padded, 0 otherwise
Previous field clipped 3 1 = previous field was clipped, 0 otherwise
Previous field padded 4 2 = previous field was padded, 0 otherwise
unused 31:5 Unused.
Table 260.  FIELD_NUM
Name Bits Description
Field num 31:0 Field number value taken from the most recently received eof control packet
Table 261.  FIELD_COUNT
Name Bits Description
Field count 31:0 Number of fields received since last debug reset
Name Bits Description
Clipped field count 31:0 Number of fields clipped since last debug reset
Name Bits Description
Padded field count 31:0 Number of fields padded since last debug reset
Name Bits Description
Previous field line count 31:0 Number of lines in last completed field
Name Bits Description
Previous field line width 31:0 Number of pixels in the final line of the previous field
Table 266.  DEBUG_RESET
Name Bits Description
unused 31:0 Unused.

You must turn on Debug features to read the values stored in these registers. If Debug features is off, reads to these registers return undefined data. The only exception is the STATUS register, the value of which you can always read.