Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents Running the Auto Sweep Test

to run link optimization tests:
  1. In the Transceiver Links tab, select the channel you want to control.
  2. Click Link Auto Sweep.
    The Advanced tab appears with Auto sweep as Test mode.
  3. Specify the PRBS Test pattern.
  4. Specify Run length experiment with the Transmitter settings, and Receiver settings to control the test coverage and PMA settings, respectively.
  5. Click Start to run all combinations of tests meeting the PMA parameter limits.
    When the run completes the chart is displayed and the characteristics of each run are listed in the run list.
  6. You can click Stop to halt the test, change the PMA settings, and re-start the test. Click Create Report to export data to a table format for further viewing.
  7. If you want to determine the best tap settings using decision feedback equalization (DFE):
    1. Set the DFE mode to Off.
    2. Use Auto Sweep to find optimal PMA settings.
    3. If BER = 0, use the best PMA settings achieved.
    4. If BER > 0, use this PMA setting, and set the minimum and maximum values obtained from Auto Sweep to match this setting. Set the maximum DFE range to limits for each of the three DFE settings.
    5. Run Create Report to view the results and determine which DFE setting has the best BER. Use these settings in conjunction with the PMA settings for the best results.