Intel® L- and H-tile Avalon® Memory-mapped+ IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683527
Date 10/19/2021

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3.2. Interface Descriptions

The Intel L-/H-Tile Avalon-MM+ for PCI Express IP includes many interface types to implement different functions.
These include:
  • High performance bursting master and slave Avalon®-MM interfaces to translate between PCIe TLPs and Avalon® -MM memory-mapped reads and writes
  • Read and Write Data Movers to transfer large blocks of data
  • Standard PCIe serial interface to transfer data over the PCIe link
  • System interfaces for interrupts, clocking, reset
  • Optional reconfiguration interface to dynamically change the value of Configuration Space registers at run-time
  • Optional status interface for debug
Unless otherwise noted, all interfaces to the Application layer are synchronous to the rising edge of the main system clock coreclkout_hip running at 250 MHz. The frequency of this clock is exactly half the frequency of the hip_clk generated by the Hard IP, with 0ppm difference. You enable the interfaces using the component GUI.
Figure 11.  Intel L-/H-Tile Avalon-MM+ for PCI Express IP

p = number of bits to address all the Functions.

m = Bursting Master address bus width.

s = Bursting Slave address bus width.

Read Data Mover (RDDM) interface: This interface transfers DMA data from the PCIe* system memory to the memory in Avalon® -MM address space.

Write Data Mover (WRDM) interface: This interface transfers DMA data from the memory in Avalon® -MM address space to the PCIe* system memory.

Bursting Master (BAM) interface: This interface provides host access to the registers and memory in Avalon® -MM address space. The Busting Master module converts PCIe Memory Reads and Writes to Avalon® -MM Reads and Writes.

Bursting Slave (BAS) interface: This interface allows the user application in the FPGA to access the PCIe* system memory. The Bursting Slave module converts Avalon® -MM Reads and Writes to PCIe Memory Reads and Writes.

The modular design of the Intel L-/H-Tile Avalon-MM+ for PCI Express IP lets you enable just the interfaces required for your application.