Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Configuration User Guide

ID 683865
Date 3/27/2023
Document Table of Contents

3.2.4. ICB Settings in JTAG Configuration

The ICB settings are loaded into the device during .pof programming of the internal configuration scheme. The .sof used during JTAG configuration only programs the CRAM and does not contain ICB settings.

The Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer behavior differs based on the following:

  • Device without ICB settings—ICB settings cleared from the internal flash or new device
  • Device with ICB settings—prior ICB settings programmed using .pof

Devices without ICB Settings

For devices without ICB settings, the default value is used. However, Intel® Quartus® Prime Programmer disables the user watchdog timer by setting the Watchdog Timer Enable bit to 0. This step is to avoid any unwanted reconfiguration from occurring due to user watchdog timeout.

If the default ICB setting is undesired, you can program the desirable ICB setting first by using .pof programming before doing the JTAG configuration.

Devices with ICB Settings

For device with ICB settings, the settings are preserved until the internal flash is erased. You can refer to the .map file to view the preserved ICB settings. JTAG configuration follows the preserved ICB setting and behave accordingly.

If the prior ICB setting is undesired, you can program the desirable ICB setting first by using .pof programming before doing the JTAG configuration.