Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Configuration User Guide

ID 683865
Date 3/27/2023
Document Table of Contents

3.9.3. Executing LOCK and UNLOCK JTAG Instructions

When you configure this reference design into a Intel® MAX® 10 device with the JTAG Secure mode enabled, the device is in JTAG Secure mode after power-up and configuration.

To disable the JTAG Secure mode, trigger the start_unlock port of the user logic to issue the UNLOCK JTAG instruction. After the UNLOCK JTAG instruction is issued, the device exits from JTAG secure mode. When the JTAG Secure mode is disabled, you can choose to full-chip erase the internal flash of Intel® MAX® 10 device to disable the JTAG Secure mode permanently.

The start_lock port in the user logic triggers the execution of the LOCK JTAG instruction. Executing this instruction enables the JTAG Secure mode of the Intel® MAX® 10 device.

Figure 17. LOCK or UNLOCK JTAG Instruction Execution
Table 35.  Input and Output Port of the User Logic
Port Input/Output Function
clk_in Input Clock source for the user logic. The fMAX of the user logic depends on the timing closure analysis. You need to apply timing constraint and perform timing analysis on the path to determine the fMAX .
start_lock Input Triggers the execution of the LOCK JTAG instruction to the internal JTAG interface. Pulse signal high for at least 1 clock cycle to trigger.
start_unlock Input Triggers the execution of the UNLOCK JTAG instruction to the internal JTAG interface. Pulse signal high for at least 1 clock cycle to trigger.
jtag_core_en_out Output Output to the JTAG WYSIWYG atom. This port is connected to the corectl port of the JTAG WYSIWYG atom to enable the internal JTAG interface.
tck_out Output Output to the JTAG WYSIWYG atom. This port is connected to the tck_core port of the JTAG WYSIWYG atom.
tdi_out Output Output to the JTAG WYSIWYG atom. This port is connected to the tdi_core port of the JTAG WYSIWYG atom.
tms_out Output Output to the JTAG WYSIWYG atom. This port is connected to the tms_core port of the JTAG WYSIWYG atom.
indicator Output Logic high of this output pin indicates the completion of the LOCK or UNLOCK JTAG instruction execution.