AN 763: Intel® Arria® 10 SoC Device Design Guidelines

ID 683192
Date 5/17/2022
Document Table of Contents HPS Worksheet

GUIDELINE: Select either 900 mV or 950 mV for VCCL_HPS.

Select either the standard 900 mV level or 950 mV overdrive level in support of HPS MPU overclocking. For HPS MPU overclocking capabilities, see the Arria 10 Device Datasheet for maximum achievable MPU frequency and the associated requirements for device speed grade and HPS power supply overdrive level.

GUIDELINE: Select the Frequency, Application, and if applicable, the Application Mode for each CPU in the HPS tab of the spreadsheet.

The Application/Application Mode settings for each CPU allow you to select from a list of industry standard benchmarks to model CPU utilization in your application. You can also select “Custom” for defining a unique set of CPU utilization parameters across the ALUs and cache memories.